

((You've received -100 Panda Points from Raymond Yoshida.))
John Pickert says: I know, she told me.
(( (743) Lisa Bianchi: WTF ))
The ID of Raymond Morris is 486
The ID of Raymond Yoshida is 18
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: excuse me?! ))
(( (29) John Pickert: ? ))
(( (743) Lisa Bianchi: somebody gave me -100 panda points ))
1) If you fell under the map, use /fixfall.
2) If you're stuck anywhere, use /fixloc to get teleported to one of your properties.
3) If you need a vehicle because it didn't save at the same location as you, use /fixveh to get one of your vehicles teleported on you.
4) If you're dead due to a bug and need a revive, use /fixrevive.
5) If your problem isn't listed or none of the solutions worked, use /report again.
Your report has been submitted to the administration team.
You can cancel your report with /cancelreport
(( (29) John Pickert: minus panda points? :D ))
Your report was changed to a tester ticket and will be handled soon.
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: what the fuck did you do?! ))
Lisa Bianchi says: So uhh...
Lisa Bianchi says: Are you willing to do it?
John Pickert says: In what position are you interested?
John Pickert says: Security, trucker?
Lisa Bianchi says: Well as far as I get it.
Lisa Bianchi says: I get to be reinstated, right?
Lisa Bianchi says: I mean I *was* a supervisor here and a fleet technician.
Lisa Bianchi says: And a driver as well.
John Pickert says: You would need the full process. And start at the beginning. Yep.
Lisa Bianchi says: Start at the beginning?
Lisa Bianchi says: As in, I don't get the supervisor position back?
John Pickert says: I cant make you a supervisor today. Yes.
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: HEY ANSWER ME. ))
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: you took 100 of these points for me ))
John Pickert says: For example Zach didnt get it back in the first days as well. We will have to decide it after some time.
Lisa Bianchi says: Oh, okay.
John Pickert says: But, being a driver isnt that bad, is it?
Lisa Bianchi says: Well then Driver and fleet technician sound good yeah.
Lisa Bianchi says: Now, I have a big question.
(( PM from (18) Raymond Yoshida: Thank you for giving me 100 points! ))
Lisa Bianchi says: Do I get my old badge number back?
John Pickert says: Yes you do.
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: I didnt give you anything ffs! ))
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: I dont even know you! ))
(( PM from (18) Raymond Yoshida: Yes you did it says so ))
John Pickert says: Badge numbers are for life.
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: YOU GAVE ME -100 OF THEM ))
(( PM to (18) Raymond Yoshida: Reported idc ))