
What are the key benefits of making use of 3D Scanning for reverse Engineering?

Today, in this scenario of 21st century the manufacturing market is experiencing surge in the overall productivity that leads to the generation of ever increasing requirements to verify that, ultimately the parts being produced must meet the standardized or specified requirements.


In case where timeline is very critical and further delay can’t be tolerated, it is becoming highly important to give priority to the quality process instead of bulk process to reinforce the part’s needs and to consistently adding the value to the manufacturing process.



In this scenario today, the parts that are being manufactured are on increasing side with the demand for the accurate measurements surpassing the traditional system of measurement to measure or more specifically to reverse engineer them.


The process of 3D scanning is one such scenario that can bring versatility as well as accuracy to ever evolving environment of the metrology industry. It is a cost effective solution for getting important benefits for the 3D scanning reverse engineering.


Key Benefits of the 3D Scanning



In just a fraction of minutes the 3D scanning devices can effectively collect & measure the data with the help of thousands of data points present on the surface of desired object. This kind of efficiency was unable to get prior to the 3D scanning technology.



If you measure something manually then it can take time & efforts both and also you will be under the limit while collecting the data practically. Whereas in case of 3D scanning you are getting faster way to collect the data with millions of data points with the speed of light. You can reduce time & efforts both and thus produces CAD models or similar other prototypes or even 2D drawings for the reverse engineering. By the help of accurately increasing the surface data acquisition rate, the 3D scanning device will bring you unmatched, unparalleled faster for inspection.



With the improvement in technology, the accuracy rate has also been improved by the 3D scanners over the period of time. With higher degree of accuracy you can expect better functionality.



The overall cost associated with the help of 3D scanning is much more competitive as compared to other dimensional control technologies especially in case where saving time is also important. The 3d scanners present in the market are very easier to use & can help you in maintaining the overall training schedules by lowering down the costs.



Many times the 3D scanner device used is dependent upon the object’s surface characteristics like its transparency, reflectivity, roughness etc. while in some cases it is not really needed but reflection & diffraction both can affect the overall measurements.