Your credit score determines whether or not you’ll get the financing you need, when you need it. Therefore, there is nothing more dreadful than hearing the words, low credit score. As dreary as bad credit sounds, know that all is not lost. You can still get credit cards and, in turn, financing, allowing you to build your credit score over time. We Provide best credit repair services in Florida. Here are the four credit cards for bad credit that you can opt for:
The Discover It Secured Credit Card With an annual fee of $0, The Discover It Secured Credit Card is the most popular option for people with bad credit. It is not because of its bad-credit-friendly terms only. Instead, it offers a cash back reward. For every $1000 purchase, you can earn $2 back into your account. Additionally, Discover is a dynamic service provider. Every 8 months, they review customers’ credit history and offer additional rewards and discounts – even upgrade customers’ plans and shift them to an unsecured credit card. Capital One Secured Credit Card.
With Capital One, you can experience privileges as good as those that are enjoyed by people with a high credit score. Capital One offers a generous credit limit. For example, for every $49, you get a limit of $200. If you think the deposit amount is high to enjoy a high credit limit, Capital One also offers the chance to pay the deposit amount in installments. While Capital One is great, there’s a caveat to it: a bad credit score will qualify you for a secured credit card; however, hopeless credit score that is on the verge of bankruptcy might not let you enjoy Capital One’s Secured Credit Card.
Discover It Student Cash Back
Not every person has a bad credit history. Some are just students who do not have any credit history. To cater to such students, who are just embracing life and its financial frivolities, Discover It offers a student cash back credit card. They offer high acceptance (better than most US colleges), free subscription without an annual fee, and one of the lowest interest rates. Moreover, the cash back offer allows students, or people with unimpressive credit, to gain 5% cash back in rotating categories each quarter and 1% cash back on miscellaneous spending.
Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card As we move beyond individuals, we encounter numerous small businesses that do not have a credit history or possess a bad credit score. Wells Fargo, still popular for its warmth and community-wide appeal, helps small businesses with its secured credit cards for businesses. While consumer cards and other business cards offer only a set credit limit, Wells Fargo’s credit cards offer an opportunity to utilize as much as $25,000 in credit. Yes, that’s right! Takeaway
Even if you have impaired or non-existent credit history, our list of 4 best credit cards for bad credit will surely help you stay afloat and pave your way to a high credit score. Need professional guidance on how you can build your credit score and achieve financial freedom?
Book a free consultation with Credit Flyers today to learn more.
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