
Output update-torbrowser

INFO: Auto detecting ARCH...
INFO: ARCH aarch64 detected.
INFO: Auto detecting ARCH_DOWNLOAD...
INFO: ARCH_DOWNLOAD linux64 detected.
INFO: CURL_PROXY: --proxy socks5h://tb-updater_7fdcf8b0-4c1d-4e6e-96b0-807b2be0a73c:password@
INFO: stdin connected to terminal, setting TB_INPUT to stdin, will use terminal for input, ok.
INFO: Alternatively, if want to run from command line, but still use the graphical user interface for input, you could add to command line: --input gui
INFO: not running inside Qubes DVM Template, ok.
INFO: tbb_download_alpha_version: false
INFO: Downloading stable version. Alternatively, if want to download the alpha version, you could add to command line: --alpha
or set configuration option: tbb_download_alpha_version=true
for instructions, see: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Tor_Browser#Alpha
INFO: Running Tor enabled check... Done.
INFO: Running Tor bootstrap check... ERROR: Tor not fully bootstrapped.

Possible reasons:
- no internet connectivity

Please check: Start menu -> System -> systemcheck
              or in Terminal: systemcheck
              or in Terminal with debugging: systemcheck -v

Run systemcheck on Whonix-Gateway as well.

If systemcheck reports no problems with internet activity and downloading Tor Browser still fails, please report a bug!
user@host:~$ update-torbrowser
INFO: Auto detecting ARCH...
INFO: ARCH aarch64 detected.
INFO: Auto detecting ARCH_DOWNLOAD...
INFO: ARCH_DOWNLOAD linux64 detected.
INFO: CURL_PROXY: --proxy socks5h://tb-updater_3408a54b-3080-427a-bfab-296f76a930d8:password@
INFO: stdin connected to terminal, setting TB_INPUT to stdin, will use terminal for input, ok.
INFO: Alternatively, if want to run from command line, but still use the graphical user interface for input, you could add to command line: --input gui
INFO: not running inside Qubes DVM Template, ok.
INFO: tbb_download_alpha_version: false
INFO: Downloading stable version. Alternatively, if want to download the alpha version, you could add to command line: --alpha
or set configuration option: tbb_download_alpha_version=true
for instructions, see: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Tor_Browser#Alpha
INFO: Running Tor enabled check... Done.
INFO: Running Tor bootstrap check... ERROR: Tor not fully bootstrapped.

Possible reasons:
- no internet connectivity

Please check: Start menu -> System -> systemcheck
              or in Terminal: systemcheck
              or in Terminal with debugging: systemcheck -v

Run systemcheck on Whonix-Gateway as well.

If systemcheck reports no problems with internet activity and downloading Tor Browser still fails, please report a bug!