Is Your Cloud MSP Aligned to Your Business Requirements?
Cloud Managed Services are here to stay. Evidence the growing number of organizations handing over their cloud operations to third party vendors. And it’s completely understandable. Giving responsibility of cloud operations to Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs) frees organizations of the hassle of staying up-to-date with infrastructure, regulations, software updates, and all the costs and technicalities that go with it. But while this make complete sense in theory, in practice it hinges on finding the right fit Cloud MSP. Failure to do so, can lead to bad strategic decisions and crimp your business. Some or the more common risks include:
Operational hazards
Failure to find right fit with your Cloud MSP can seriously undermine the efficiencies of your operations that depend on processes run in your cloud. At best there will be gaps in service, at worst it can impede smooth functions of revenue-generating models, for instance as sales and logistice, to a grinding halt.
Security Issues
Whether your applications run on private, hybrid or public cloud, threats for cyber criminals is ever present. The cost of keeping up with security challenges, and tech-updates can be prohibitive for organizations running their own cloud, but even public clouds, which spend a massive amount of money to ensure their security is up-to-date and comprehensive, are vulnerable to cloud security related risks. Your MSP must be capable to assessing overall risk factors and risks specific to your business, industry and region, and taking pre-emptive action.
Rise in costs
Without the right expertise and support, which starts long before your actual migration and extends beyond it, can attract unforeseen additional costs, and render your shift more expensive than expected.
Ensuring your MSP can handle issues like the above goes a long way towards smoothening cloud infrastructure management.
Teleglobal’s End-to-End Managed Cloud Services
We provide the complete spectrum of expertise required to create the ideal cloud computing environment your organization needs.
Cloud Deployment
Cloud Deployment Cloud Security
Cloud Security Network and Storage
Network and Storage Cloud Monitoring and Reporting
Cloud Monitoring and Reporting Backup and Disaster Recovery
Backup and Disaster Recovery Infrastructure Set Up
Infrastructure Set Up Business Continuity
Business Continuity Cloud Migration Services
Cloud Migration Services
Helping you realize your cloud-aspirations
From architecting and building to managing it cost-effectively, we ensure our solutions streamline your processes, smoothen workflows, secure your data and optimize costs, so you can concentrate you core business needs and leave the onerous daily cloud-management tasks to us.
Whether you choose a single, multiple, hybrid, public or private cloud, we can make your cloud move a complete success through:
Value-added automation and self-serve capabilities
Optimized pricing, streamlined delivery and proven management models
Robust security with up-to-date compliances
Why Choose Teleglobal?
Infrastructural Strength: We provide a robust efficient network infrastructure that has a 24x7x365 management. Routine actions include: monitoring, scanning, reporting, patch-updates, and overall alignment of network operations with your overall business objectives.
Centralized Services and Applications: Our centralized data center, enables remote access to data, improving productivity, and enhancing resource utilization.
Service Level Agreements: Our Service Level Agreements (SLA), ensure improved control across service aspects, ensuring unimpeded business service continuity.
Data Safety and Recovery: We ensure data safety and where-you-want-when-you-want-it access through regular backups and speedy recovery.
Quick Response Time: We assume full responsibility of responding quickly in the event of any issue, ensuring business continuity is not overly affected and saving your valuable time and effort.
Vendor Negotiation. When it comes to problem resolution, we take the onus of dealing with cloud vendors. This includes planning investments and making recommendations with a view to cut costs and improve availability of critical processes.
Maintenance: Our status of partners to major Cloud Providers, like AWS, Azure and GCP, enables us to offer valuable options that can cut your costs and improve maintenance.
No Update Fatigue: Staying updated on software improvements, new editions, et al, demands your in-house IT team themselves stay updated through training, and other upskilling proficiencies. Using Teleglobal’s experts saves you from this burden. We have the talent, proficiencies, and experience you need to stay abreast of every necessary technology update.
Flexible Plans: When it comes to pricing, Teleglobal offers a choice of flexible solutions to suit almost any business. Ask us about our pay-per-usage or payment plans to help you optimize your business spending.