
3 Important Reasons For Frequent Testing

Our lives have completely taken a different turn after the advent of the Covid-19 virus. The health, the economic system has completely collapsed. Health care workers are working day and night to provide us treatment against this virus. But it is our duty as well to participate in it. All of us together can defend against this virus. Frequent testing, sanitization, maintaining social distance and wearing a mask can prevent us from this virus. Search in Google, PCR test near me if you are manifesting any symptoms. If the test indicates a positive result, one should isolate them to prevent the spreading of the virus and save the lives of other people.

What you need to know about rapid at-home COVID tests for your holiday  gatherings | Vermont Public Radio

Here are a few reasons why frequent testing is essential-:

  • Testing save the life of other people- It is important to test both symptomatic and asymptomatic people to break the chain of the virus. In most cases, asymptomatic people spread the virus to the rest of the population. This is because they are unaware of their infection and spread it to others.
  • Testing is efficient and painless- The PCR test used for it is efficient, simple and fast. It is a highly accurate test. The sample is taken from the nostrils. PCR is used to identify the genetic material of the causative organism even if you are not infected. Once the test indicates a positive result, the person should isolate them as a part of his social duty.
  • Testing is more important for susceptible communities- Some section of the community is more exposed to the covid-19 virus. This includes those who do not have the opportunity to work from home such as healthcare workers, policemen etc.



If you want this pandemic to get over and win against this virus, follow the general steps of its prevention. This is beneficial for you, your family members and society.