
The white enemies of health

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Santosh @Santosh9 · Oct 24, 2022

We eat food to get nutrients and energy; But many times, we don't know the health benefits of eating foods that feed the beak of the tongue. Most of the time such foods are harmful to health. Because it contains ingredients like sugar, salt, flour. Sugar, salt, flour was called 'white poison' for health earlier. Let's find out how these substances cause harm...

Sugar, salt, flour, white rice, and pasteurized cow's milk are all five foods considered to be nutritionally zero. It has zero percent nutritional value.

It does not provide any vitamins or minerals. These are the things that the body needs. Excessive consumption of these substances is harmful to health. As the colour of all these five elements is white, it is called 'white poison'.

Sugar is called a junk food. Because it does not provide any nutrients. It also lacks vitamins and minerals. Excessive consumption of sugar increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. So, in the future, one must face serious problems like heart attack, cancer, brain stroke.


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