If you are planning to travel abroad, it is important to make sure that you are up to date with your travel vaccinations. At the Canadian Travel Clinics at Surrey medical centre, we offer a comprehensive range of vaccinations to protect you while you are away. Our experienced travel health professionals will be able to advise you on the vaccinations you need depending on your destination and the activities you are planning to do while you are away. We offer a wide range of vaccinations, including those for yellow fever, typhoid, tetanus, polio and hepatitis A and B. Our clinicians will also be able to provide you with advice on how to stay safe and healthy while you are travelling, as well as any medication you may need to take before, during and after your trip. For more information about our travel vaccinations, please contact us today. https://www.canadiantravelclinics.ca/Clinics/1135-/Travel-Clinic-Surrey-BC