
Exercises on Suurat Al-Faatihah (Chapter 1) - by M A M Mohamed

M A M Mohamed

Exercises on Suurat Al-Faatihah with a newly added general introduction to teaching the Qur'an:


General Introduction to All Suurahs

A Word to Parents and Teachers


About the exercises on the selected suurahs in general

  • The exercises have been prepared with the speakers of English in mind.
  • They are intended to help understand the verses properly.
  • It is up to the teacher to choose from the exercises what suits the learner’s conditions.
  • The exercises are varied so that they can suit varied levels. Also, they can be modified.
  • They introduce an English translation of the meanings of verses and the English transliteration of the Arabic original. The Arabic text is there for those that can read it.
  • The English transliteration of the Arabic text can help in the absence of voice recordings. Thanks be to Allah, voice recordings are available on the NET for free. So, teachers and learners can listen to the Arabic verses, listen to the English meanings and read them, too.
  • The final aim is to help learners acquire the skills and habits of consulting the Qur’an in solving daily life problems. Without reading and understanding Qur’anic verses, the aim could not be achieved. For purposes of effective and efficient teaching and learning, the final aim is to be broken down into manageable specific objectives.
  • Reciting and reading with understanding is a top objective. Without understanding, they would be a big waste. The Qur’an is guidance. To use it, we must understand its verses. Allah commands us to reflect on its verses. Prophet Mohammad says: “Those that learn the Qur’an and teach it are among the best.” Also, we have to account for what and who are in our trust. Each family makes great efforts to provide their kids with good schooling and recreation, why not do the same with teaching them their religion?!
  • For teaching, learning and understanding the Qur’an, organized efforts are necessary. The ways we were taught and the ways we learned are not necessarily good for our children and grandchildren. Let the kids use their gadgets for learning their religion. Let there be an effective system of reward and pleasant settings and atmosphere for learning.

Specific Performance Objectives: 

  • The teacher should set specific objectives for the-teaching learning session / lesson. It is good to put them in writing for purposes of teaching and evaluation. The objective / objectives should be suitable for the learner’s level and conditions.
  • An objective can be put in a question from, e. g.: What do I want the learner to be able to do by the end of the session / lesson?

Let us take verse (2) in Suurat Al-Faatihah as an example.

     Verse (2) in Arabic: الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (2)

     Verse (2) in English transliteration: /(2) alĥamdu lil-laahi rabbil-ζaalameen/

     Verse (2) meaning translation: “(2) Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.”

     Setting specific objectives:

              Question: What do I want my son / daughter / learner to be able to do with verse (2)?


                             -Read the verse in Arabic correctly (right pronunciation, right intonation,  

                              suitable speed).

                             -Read the English translation of meanings correctly.

                             -Give the English translation of the meaning on hearing the verse in Arabic.

                             -Say the verse in Arabic on hearing or reading the English translation of the 


                              -Understand the meanings of the Arabic words: /alĥamdu/;  /allaah/; /rabb/; /al-  


                              -Understand who Allah is by exploring some of His Attributes.

                              -Understand the difference between /rabb/ and /allaah/.

                              -Understand what /al-ζaalameen/ refers to, by naming as many types of world as 


                              -Understand why Allah is the Lord of the worlds.

    - However, the teacher may decide to teach the verses (1-4) together. It depends on the learner’s

      level and conditions. The   teacher may also choose to teach the whole suurah. Whichever content

      is selected, there have to be specific objectives. For example, choosing the whole suurah, the teacher

      may aim for listening to the Arabic text and to the English translation as well as the correct reading

      of the translation. More and varied objectives can be added, depending on the teaching-learning

      conditions and needs.

    - Specific objectives range from the basic to the advanced. We have already mentioned some basic

      objectives. As for advanced objectives, reflection on certain verses or words is a good example.

      Reflection can be considered as a kind of zooming into the verse or words in order to identify  

      connections and draw lessons. 

    - Having set specific objectives, the teacher has to have a set of activities that lead to achievement of

      the objectives. The exercises presented here are meant to help do just that.


Activities and Exercises:

    - Whatever verses you select for teaching and learning, and whatever objectives you set, the teaching

      activities should observe the following basics:

            a- Present the Arabic verses to the learner in voice form in order to listen and learn.

            b- The voice presentation is to be followed by practising saying the Arabic verses correctly.

            c- Present the English translation of meanings so that the learner can understand the Arabic  


           d- The presentation of the translation of meanings can be done in voice and written forms.

           e- The presentation of the translation is to be followed by varied exercises for reinforcing  


          f- The activities of listening, reciting and reading with understanding require immediate testing.

          g- Testing is a part of teaching and learning. Once presented, an item should be checked to see 

               if it has been mastered/grasped.

          h- If it is not grasped/mastered, further practice is to be done. “Practice makes perfect.”

          i- There have to be regular recycling and revision of the teaching-learning material.

          j- There are numerous types of exercises and activities. The teacher can use whatever suits the

             learners and the teaching-learning conditions as well as achieves the objectives effectively and

             efficiently. The following are some examples:

                  - Yes-No questions

                  - Fill-in questions

                  - Matching questions

                  - Completion with words provided / not provided

                  - Listening and oral completion of verses

                  - Dictation

                  - Handwriting verses

                  - Re-writing scrambled words of one verse as well as verses of one suurah.

                  - Full recitation

                  - Joint recitation (alternate verses)

                  - Joint oral translation (one says the Arabic verses, and the other says the translation, and

                    vice versa)

                  - short answer questions.

                  - True-False questions

                  - Multiple choice questions

                  - Best answer questions

                  - Searching the NET for meanings

                  - Searching the NET for particular verses and Hadiths

                  - Applied questions about real life situations

                  - Questions for reflection:

                              -They are advanced, a kind of zooming into the words and verses.

                              -They are challenging and need serious thinking and searching.   

                              -They seek to draw lessons for behaviour and to identify beliefs.



Exercises on Suurat Al-Faatihah (Chapter 1)

A word to brothers and sisters:

The Muslim must learn by heart Suurat Al-Faatihah for the five daily salwaat (prayers). It is also necessary to understand it. So, speakers of English need to listen to the Arabic original. They also need to listen to and/or read the English translation of meanings. There are NET sites that provide both the Arabic text and the English text in spoken and written forms. The teacher is to help and direct the learner to listen, read and learn from a suitable site, e. g. www.quran.ksu.ed.sa . This is new easier source that provides voice and written texts in Arabic and English plus transliteration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PqP0BCiTlE .

. Repeated listening to both texts and reading the meanings in English are necessary for reciting and understanding the suurah. It serves no purpose to learn by heart and recite without understanding. Teaching, learning by heart, understanding and reciting the suurah are all acts of worship, which are rewardable. One needs to be aware of what one is doing in worship.

Teaching Al-Faatihah is considered a source of rewards even after the death of the teacher. Consider how often the learners will recite it and then teach it to others. The teacher’s account after death keeps receiving multiple rewards.

The earlier the children are taught Al-Faatihah, the better. The early teaching is good for training the organs of speech to articulate the Arabic sounds correctly. The suurah contains a number of consonants that are not found in English: the (ح) is repeated five times, the (ع) five times, the (غ) two times, the (ط) one time, the (ص) two times and the (ض) two times. Stressing accurate articulation earlier accustoms the speech organs to producing the Arabic sounds accurately and fluently.

It would be very helpful to train the learner on pronouncing the letters representing the problem consonants. It would be also helpful to provide the learner with additional training on useful words and sentences containing the problem consonants, e. g. “Assalaamu عlaikum wa raحmatullaahi wa barakaatuh” and “صabaaح alخair” (Good morning), “Lou samaحt” (If you please/Please), “Min faضlik” (Please? If you please), “قul” (Say), قur’aan (Qur’an), etc.

We normally teach our children to recite suurahs (1), (112), (113), (114) as well as Aayat Al-Kursi. The suurahs contain a number of problem sounds. Let us teach the children as early as possible. Let babies listen; they will not object. Later, help them say whatever they can. Correct pronunciation is a priority from the beginning, otherwise correcting later becomes more problematic; it is more difficult to unlearn.

Let us not forget the advantages of selecting what is teachable and learnable. In other words, the learner’s needs and conditions have to be considered, and so does the art of teaching and educating. Let teaching and learning be a sweet memorable experience. Purified intentions and praying to Allah for help and rewards are a must. “They are the best, those that learn the Qur’an and teach it.”

Baaraka Allaahu lana wa lakum.


Suurat Al-Faatihah: Listen and Read

A newly added link to a useful video that gives voice recitation in Arabic + voice translation of meanings in English + written Arabic and English texts as well as an English transliteration: 





Al-Faatihah in Arabic

/(1)     bisml-laahir-raĥmaanir-raĥeem(i),

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (1)

(2) alĥamdu lil-laahi rabbil-ζaalameen(ar),

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (2)

(3) arraĥmaanir-raĥeem(i),

الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (3)

(4)       maaliki yawmid-deen(i),

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ (4)

(5) iyyaaka naζ'budu, wa-iyyaaka nastaζeen(u),

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ (5)

(6) ihdinaS-SiraaTal mustaqeem(a),

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ (6)

(7) SiraaTal-lađeena anζamta ζalayhim, ghayril-maghDuubi ζalayhim, wa-laD-Daaaalleen/

صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ (7)


Read carefully, then answer the Questions.


/(1) bisml-laahir-raĥmaanir-raĥeem(i), (2) alĥamdu lil-laahi rabbil-ζaalameen(ar), (3) arraĥmaanir-raĥeem(i), (4) maaliki yawmid-deen(i), (5) iyyaaka naζ'budu, wa-iyyaaka nastaζeen(u), (6) ihdinaS-SiraaTal mustaqeem(a), (7) SiraaTal-lađeena anζamta ζalayhim, ghayril-maghDuubi ζalayhim, wa-laD-Daaaalleen /

Translation of Meanings:

"(1) In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. (2) Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, (3) the Beneficent, the Merciful, (4) Sovereign of the Day of Judgment; (5) You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help. (6) Guide us to the straight path; (7) the path of those whom You have favored; not the path of those who earn Your anger nor of those who are astray."



[1] Match the transliteration with the meanings in English.

1- wa-iyyaaka nastaζeen

[      ] In the name of Allah

2- maaliki yawmid-deen

[      ] the Beneficent, the Merciful

3- ghayril-maghDuubi ζalayhim

[      ] Praise be to Allah,

4- arraĥmaanir-raĥeem

[      ] Lord of the Worlds,

5- ihdinaS-SiraaTal mustaqeem

[      ] Sovereign of the Judgment Day

6- alĥamdu lil-laahi

[      ] You alone we worship

7- iyyaaka naζ'budu,

[      ] and You alone we ask for help

8- bisml-laahi

[      ] Guide us to the straight path

9- walaD-Daaaalleen

[      ] the path of those whom You have favored

10- rabbil-ζaalameen

[      ] not the path of those who earn Your anger

11- SiraaTal-lađeena anζamta ζalayhim

[      ] nor those who are astray.


Answer the following questions.


[A] General:

1- How many times does the Muslim recite Suurat Al-Faatihah in Salaat Al-Fajr? _______________________

2- How many times does the Muslim recite it in Salaat Al-Zuhr? _____________________________________

3- How many times does the Muslim recite it in Salaat Al-Maghrib? __________________________________

4- How many times does the Muslim recite it in the 5 daily salawaat? _________________________________



[B] Questions on verses 1-4:

1- Suurat Al-Faatihah expresses praise of Allah? What does it say?


2- What should Allah be praised for?


3- Does praising Allah benefit Him? [Yes – No]

4- If Allah is not praised, is He harmed? [Yes – No]

5- Does the Muslim benefit from praising Allah? [Yes – No]

6- Does Allah reward the Muslim for the praise? [ Yes – No]

7- Say some words of praise you may know. ___________________________________________________


8- Verses 1-4 mention some of Allah’s Attributes. What are they? ___________________________________


9- What does Allah do that makes Him rabb-al’aalameen? He ______________________________________


10- Guess what the word al’aalameen (worlds) refers to. __________________________________________


11- Who is the King of the Day of Judgment? ___________________________________________________ 

12- What will happen to the disbelievers that Day? ______________________________________________ 

13- What will happen to the believers that do good? ______________________________________________

14- Will Allah forgive anyone that Day? [Yes - No] 

15- Will anyone get any help from relatives and friends that Day? [Yes - No]


[C] Questions on verses 5-7:

1- The verses express submission to Allah? Which words? _______________________________________

2- The verses express reliance on Allah? Which words? _________________________________________

3- The last two verses are a prayer. What is the prayer for? For ____________________________________

4- Describe the Straight Path in your own words. You may begin with: It is the path that / which … … ….


The Straight Path (aSSiraaT almustaqeem) is the path that leads to Paradise.

The Straight Path (aSSiraaT almustaqeem) is the path that does not lead to Hell.





[D] More questions on the Straight Path:

1- Where does the Straight Path take one to? To ________________________________________________

2- If one refuses to take the Straight Path, where does one end up? In  ______________________________

3- Is the Straight Path the path of those that believe in Allah? [Yes – No]

4- Is the Straight Path the path of those who disobey Allah? [Yes – No]

5- Is the Straight Path the path of those who displease Allah? [Yes – No]

6- If you believe in Allah and do good, are you on the Straight Path? [Yes – No]

7- If you follow the Qur’an, are you on the Straight Path? [Yes – No]

8- If you follow the example of Prophet Mohammad, are you on the Straight path? [Yes – No]

9- Can you think of some beliefs that put you on the Straight Path? __________________________________



10- Can you think of some acts that keep you on the Straight Path? _________________________________






[E] Questions on those that evoke Allah’s anger and those that go astray:

1- What is the worst thing that could earn Allah’s anger? __________________________________________



2- Can you think of things that would evoke Allah’s anger? ________________________________________





3- Does Allah like people to go astray? [Yes – No]

4- Does He give the stray chances to join the Straight Path? [Yes – No]

5- If you follow Allah’s Guidance, will you go astray? [Yes – No]

6- What is Allah’s Guidance?_______________________________________________________________



[F] Which of the following pleases Allah, and which evokes His anger?

Choose [P] for what pleases Him and [Dis] for what displeases Him.

1- [P / Dis] Salaah on time.

2- [P / Dis] Killing innocent people.

3- [P / Dis] Helping the poor and the needy.

4- [P / Dis] Denying Him.

5- [P / Dis] Injustice and aggression.

6- [P / Dis] Hating people because they have a different skin colour or accent.

7- [P / Dis] Treating parents badly.

8- [P / Dis] Being good to relatives and neighours.

9- [P / Dis] Usury (lending people money with interest).

10- [P / Dis] Slandering and backbiting others.


[G] One Hadith on Al-Faatihah:

According to the Hadith, Al-Faatihah is shared between the worshipper and Allah. It goes as follows:

Worshipper: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Allah: My worshipper has praised Me.

Worshipper: The Beneficent, the Merciful.

Allah: My worshipper has glorified Me.

Worshipper: Sovereign of the Day of Judgment.

Allah: My worshipper has entrusted his / her affairs to Me.

Worshipper: You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.

Allah: This is between Me and My worshipper, and he /she will get what he /she has asked for.

Worshipper: Guide us to the Straight Path, the path of those whom you have favoured, not of those who have earned your anger, nor those who are astray.

Allah: This is what My worshipper is asking for, and it will be granted.


Since Al-Faatihah is shared between Allah and the worshipper, what should the Muslim do?

1- [Yes / No] Learn and teach it well?

2- [Yes / No] Recite it as fast as possible?

3- [Yes / No] Expect no response from Allah?

4- [Yes / No] Reflect on each verse?

5- [Yes / No] Mean what one recites?

6- [Yes / No] Not think of Allah listening to the recitation?