
Two Simple Ways Of Setting Up The Linksys Range Extender

Do you need assistance in setting up the Linksys range extender? Then you are in a suitable space because we will explain two go-to ways to set up your extender. One being, Linksys extender setup without a computer, and the other is the setup with the computer, i.e., manually. Setting up the Linksys range extender is not a tough nut to crack, and not with our easy guide mentioned below; 

You can set up your Linksys range extender in two ways;

  • Without a computer using the WPS button.
  • With a computer using the web browser, manually.


Linksys Extender Setup Without A Computer:-


Suppose your wifi range extender and wireless router both have the WPS button on them. In that case, it is easier to establish a connection between your wireless router and the Linksys range extender without using a computer. The WPS button doesn’t need to be a physical button; it can be present in the form of a WPS pin or router pin. Follow the steps stated below and set up your Linksys range extender;


  1. Step 1: The initial step is to attach your extender to an electrical socket.
  2. Step 2: Then press and hold the WPS physical button on your extender. 
  3. Step 3: After that, keep an eye on the LED light indicating the wireless connection. 
  4. Step 4: You may see the Linksys extender network status XXXX network.
  5. Step 5: Now, if the light is on, the link is being established.
  6. Step 6: You might observe that the green LED light is steady after some time implying the reference is successfully made. 
  7. Step 7: If your Linksys range extender has a dual-band frequency, perform these steps again to complete the setup.
  8. Step 8: Finally, the extender setup is complete.


Linksys Extender Setup With A Computer:-


Nowadays, not all wifi range extenders come with a physical WPS button but connect it wirelessly, and you can use the WPS pin or router pin. 


  1. Setup Using WPS Pin;

For this, firstly, open the desired web browser on your system and launch the Linksys extender web page. Here, type the WPS pin to your Linksys wifi range extender in the second field. Now you can easily set up the range extender. 


  1. Setup using router’s pin;

In the last section, open the web browser and then open the Linksys extender setup page. Here enter the router’s pin, which belongs to your wireless router network, in the third section of the web page. Then press the enter key to proceed. Finally, the connection setup will be completed as indicated by the WPS LED light.

Linksys Setup Wrapped Up!


As we mentioned earlier, setting up the Linksys range extender was not a tough nut to crack. Isn’t it correct? Though performing the Linksys extender setup without a computer sounds tricky, that is not too. Definitely, not with the easy steps we have mentioned above. That’s all for the Linksys extender setup. Now you can enjoy the best internet range and speed. Have Fun surfing!