
Nasha Mukti Kendra in Noida

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Reawakening1 @Reawakening1 · Jan 29, 2021

nashamuktikendrainnoida.pngAddiction is a psychological and a biological situation in which a person continues to seek happiness through an act without disturbing about which family, friends, neighbourhood etc. Today let’s talk about addiction which is damaging our country, today we are talking about the addiction of alcohol. Addiction becomes dangerous when it stars controlling you. Government also need to stop the Manufacturing of these products but they are not doing so because it is a big source of revenue.  Now a day’s doing drugs and consuming alcohol is like a trend in youth they feel proud in doing so but they never think about the consequences, they never thought it us dangerously harming their physical and mental health also effecting the condition of there family  and financial condition. The effects of Alcohol can be seen very easily this problem is spreading its roots all in all over India, we can see it everywhere, villages, towns, cities. People are so much addicted to theses intoxication weather it is college, Offices, and others. It is affecting every single age group. In these Kendra the Doctors are giving a new life to the patients.  According to data, it is noticed by government that a huge amount of alcohol is consumed in UP and Noida is mainly indulge in this data. So government decided to help those people who really want to quit drinking. They took a step toward alcohol free city they started the hospital that only takes care of those who said no to intoxication that unit is called Nasha Muktikendra. Government started these units of Nasha Muktikendra in Noida and help the patients in many ways like yoga, self controland many other ways. So we can say that it is a very good step taken by the government also manyNGO’s also followed this mission of “Nasha Mukt Bharat” by Shree Ratan Laal Kataria. He took command of this campaign inhis own hands. We have some best NashaMukti Kendra in Noida1.       Shanjeevni Nasha muktikendra2.       Nasha Mukti Kendra 3.       Bharat Vansh NashaMukti Kendra 4.        Tapasya Kendra and rehabitation centerOut of these Bharat Vansh Asha Mukti Kendra is recorded as the best Kendra they have a lot Of happy patients who successfully quit alcohol. So we can say that this initiative is going good and many people who witnessed it are motivating other people who want to do so.Many NGO’s are there who also promoted this campaign of Nasha Mukt Bharat.SamparkNashaMukti Kendra is the best Kendra started by government it has a good record of patients who successfully quit there habit of intoxication. This NGO is run by experienced campaigner accuneb as they have success ratio more than 92% in an Indian context this is like a big achievement against this evil. We are taking steps toward the alcohol free city. We are wishing these Kendras and appreciating them for their work for making Noida free from intoxication. So it’s time to take a Pledge that we will help our government and NGO’s in this mission.