
Five ways that a home inspection can benefit interior designers.

There are many reasons the interior design professional should insist his client to have a property inspection prior to when the interior design process begins. Here are five most important reasons.


Do not get caught in the blame game

After the interior designer has started the work, any problems that arise with the house, such as damaged tiles or electrical issues discovered at this point will be blamed on the designer and his staff. It is best to establish a baseline of the standard of the home prior to the interior design begins. This will help avoid getting caught in an argument over who is the builder and customer in the future.


Make sure you stick to the plan.

The interior designer generally adheres to strict deadlines the designer has promised the client. Any deviation from the stated timeline can lead to higher expenses or inconvenient conversations with the client. Conducting a home inspection will prevent any unexpected issues that could affect the timeframes that were they are promised.


Aid in sticking to your the budget

The extra work that is required to be carried out for the designer the result of a flawed homeys not budgeted in the budget of the design team. It is sensible to limit the chance of being surprised regarding the overall quality of the home to ensure that the interior designer is able to concentrate on their primary area of expertise rather than any other aspect.


It prevents waste and rework.

Conducting a home inspection can help identify issues with the house such as dampness or seepage early. If these issues aren't detected early, but instead start to get worse and cause damage to the furniture, woodwork and appliances, or other work performed for the designer wasted time which could have been prevented. This leads to an extensive rework effort for the design team in order to repair the damage and then redo the work. In this scenario the quality of the final product of the interior designer is being compromised.


Stop brand dilution and loss of references

Based on our experiences, we have observed that any issue discovered in the house following the time that an interior designer has completed their work is attributable to that of an interior designer. This can lead to a loss of the image that the designer has created. It also sometimes results in the client not making referrals to clients. It is recommended to prevent this from happening by requiring a home inspection prior to the interior work is started to ensure that the foundation is protected as well.


As you can see, there are a variety of reasons why an inspection of your home can benefit the interior design industry. We have already collaborated with a variety of design firms who've suggested professional property inspector to their clients and have enjoyed the advantages.