
How to Find the Best eCommerce Platforms?

eCommerce has been the most preferred way of shopping since the onset of the pandemic. And as the pandemic stayed longer the consumer started relying more and more on online mediums. The digitalization of shopping expanded to every sector and business size. While eCommerce was earlier centred on FMCG, it has now spread to medicines, electronics, IT services, and whatnot. Various surveys have shown an increase in preference for eCommerce shopping in Australia.

With so many possibilities in a growing sector, it's very important to choose a good platform for eCommerce. What's that? Software that acts as a base for performing everything in this segment, is called eCommerce Platform. With this platform, it's convenient to manage websites, operations, data, payment security, marketing, etc. But one needs to keep in mind certain factors to choose the right platform available in the market.


Let’s have a look at some of those:


Costing: Pricing is a common factor in most of the buying decisions we make, or even compare products. And when it comes to an eCommerce platform, you need to define a budget for putting out such an online store, irrespective of the size or age of the business. Most of the platforms go with fixed monthly plans and define the features they offer against the premium they charge. But only pricing may not be everything, consider related factors such as longevity of agreement, reviews of the platform, see if they have hidden costs or not, maintenance fees, annual budgeting, cost of transactions, add-on features costs, etc.


Plugins: A good set of plugins can make your eCommerce platform the best from an average setup. Analyze which options provide the plugins you require in your eCommerce website. Some of the commonly used plugins are Email marketing, payment and shipping integrations, accounting solutions, marketing automated integration like CRMs, etc. You need to consider a good source for eCommerce website development in Melbourne, so as to get a proper layout of what your company wants to represent.


Themes for best UX: A pioneer in any eCommerce field will have an impact on the user experience of its consumers, like Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, etc. They put so much effort into designing a well-equipped platform that will leave an impression on the minds of those who visit. See what themes are being provided with the platform, and are all of them free or chargeable. It’s beneficial if you look for an expert for creating eCommerce web design in Melbourne to make a website that users love to visit.


Security: Weak security might give you angry customers, bad user experiences, as well as losses. It can put a bad word about the website and can weaken the trust of consumers. A good system of security measures is critical for the present and the future of a company. Check if the platform service provider has good security features like SSL and is in sync with the norms of the Payment Card Industry. Consider various factors of security as per the data and transactions your website could be handling, like HTTPS, firewalls against attacks, SSL, secured payment gateways, antiviruses, etc.


We hope this helps you in picking the best eCommerce providers as per your requirements.