
Rebranding Vs Brand Refresh: What’s the difference?

Change is absolutely necessary for a business to survive. Sometimes the change can be in business decisions and shifting the goal post and sometimes it could be making decisions about a company’s brand.
When you want to change your company’s brand messaging you will have to decide if you want to do a brand refresh or a rebrand. But first, what’s the difference between them?
Rebranding and a Brand Refresh sound similar but they are very different with different goals in the end when it comes to marketing.


What is Rebranding?
Rebranding involves completely changing business strategies, positioning, messaging, and even identity. During the rebranding process, the entire brand reinvents itself to reach newer audiences and markets, and carve a niche for itself.
Distances your brand from negative perceptions
Reach newer markets and audiences
Attracting more valuable customers
Improves brand image and in turn stakeholder investments


What is Brand Refresh?
A brand refresh gives the company a new look, keeping the original strategy, positioning, and messaging in place without any major changes. A brand refresh is essentially a makeover for the brand in the form of a logo, tagline, and sometimes even some services and products.
Benefits of a brand refresh
Helps you stand out from the crowd
Makes your brand up-to-date
You can promote your brand across newer channels and to a wider audience
Captures audiences’ attention