
Everything You Need to Know About Alternate Investments and How to Succeed in The Same

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Rani Jarkas @Rani_Jarkas · Apr 20, 2022

Diversification of an investment portfolio is an imperative endeavor to enable better scopes of value generation. Investing capital in a wide range of asset categories is the ideal measure to sustain for a long-term in the ever-evolving market of investments.        


A diverse investment portfolio spreads the risks across a variety of asset categories and thus makes possible better financial safeguards in the long run. The volatile market crashes and ever-dynamic asset relevance makes pertinent the need of a cocktail of investments in the portfolio to effectively maximize the scopes of profits while mitigating the risk chances.      


Alternate investment is a strategy aimed at bringing about diversification in the financial portfolio so as to spread out the assets for better risk and profit management.  


What is the need of investment portfolio diversification?   


An investment technique aimed at enhancing profitability scopes while mitigating overall risks, portfolio diversification involves capital allocation across a wide range of asset categories. For an in-depth guidance in investment portfolio diversification, avail the assistance of 



In any specific financial scenario or environment, two different investment assets cam show opposing prospects in terms of profit or risk. The concept of complementarity which is a reinforcing trait of portfolio diversification promotes alternate investments as complimentary capital allocation with a prime intent to decrease a portfolio’s risk profile.     


In an ideal alternate investment scenario, the stock or value depreciation of one asset due to a specific industry crash can even push the profit scopes due to value enhancement of another category as a result of its demand appreciation.       


Rani Tarek Jarkas Cedrus Investments emphasizes the importance of spreading out the financial portfolio risks by practicing alternate investment. 


What is alternate investment and what are its types?   


A financial asset distinct to the conventional categories of bonds, stock or cash which is typically illiquid refers to as an alternate investment. Over the recent past, alternate investment asserts have emerged to be a mainstream investment strategy as a reason of the enhanced demands of portfolio diversification owing to the current market volatilities and geo-political tensions.     




As opposed to traditional investments which can be publicly traded and converted into cash, alternate investments are less liquid but carry greater rewards proposition and profitable conversions.       

Some popular types of alternate investments which are suggested by Rani Jarkas to be highly favorable for risk mitigation are -        

  • Private equity
  • Hedge Funds
  • Collectibles and antiques
  • Private debt investment
  • Commodities
  • Venture capital
  • Intellectual property
  • Real estate
  • Structured products   
  • Asset derivatives     

With better performance prospects as opposed to traditional investments, alternate investments can offer better portfolio stability during market downturns. To diversify your investment portfolio with the tight choice of alternate asset categories, connect with Rani Jarkas Firm Cedrus Investments on https://www.ranijarkas.com/.