
Know the Facts Before Selling Your Home to an Investor


If your house is on the market, chances are most of the people viewing your property are either young couples looking for their first home, young families moving up the ladder and needing space to raise their children, or even older couples who are wanting to downsize. Whilst these people are looking to spend money, it’s for the reason of wanting to make a home.

However, another type of property buyer may have walked through your door – the investor – and they’re out to make money from your property. To them, your ‘castle’ is just another bricks-and-mortar product they can either rent out or turn, i.e. they can make money out of it.

Yes, they have the funds available to purchase your property. Yes, the legal process is likely to go through far more quickly. Yes, the idea of selling to an investor is an attractive option. Yes, generally there are no fees to pay if you sell to a local investor, such as estate agent’s fees. But, there are advantages and disadvantages to selling your home to an investor.

If you are going to sell your home to an investor, it is wise to know and understand both sides of the coin to this type of property transaction.