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● Food has the ability to slow down Ambien's effect on our body. Therefore it is advised to consume Ambien on an empty stomach.


● Do not take Ambien before sleeping if you had alcohol in the evening. Always make sure you will be staying 7-8 hours in bed after taking Ambien Buy ambien online.


● Always consult your doctor before taking Ambien for the right dosage or before increasing it.


● Driving , operating heavy machinery or performing other hazardous tasks should be totally avoided after taking Ambien.


● Under no circumstances you should give ambien to children as it's effectiveness and safety hasn't yet been tested.Buy ambien online


● Inform your doctor immediately if your sleep worsens after taking Ambien.Buy ambien online


● Ambien should be used in a short period of time . For instance no more than a week to 10 days as it can be habit forming. If your sleeping condition doesn't improve after taking Ambien , you should consult your doctor because something else might be the issue for your insomnia.


● If you are already taking other medicines for other problems , you should talk to your doctor before taking Ambien.



Bottom line is ambien can help you to procure sleep but on the other hand Ambien CR may impair your physical and mental abilities till the next day. The risks and side effects are much higher when you mix ambien with alcohol or other drugs. Remember to keep Ambien away from children at all times.order ambien
