
Playing Football With Kids At Home

It's a lot of joy to just kick a ball around with your kids.


But occasionally, whether in the home or against the garage wall, you need to switch things up and do something somewhat different so they can keep honing their technique. What should I do, is the question. What exercises can you perform without harming yourself? We assure you that it is rather easy. Decathlon has some exercises for you that are sure to put a smile on everyone's face.


Make sure you find a place where you won't break anything before you begin.



Are you a fan of table tennis? And are you interested in honing your footwork and heading skills? On your table tennis table, you may mix all of that.


Take a foam ball, set up a net or stretch a piece of twine across the table, then start rallying using only your feet or head. However, you can only allow the ball to bounce once. Playing the ball on the full also adds flavor to the situation.


To win the game, demonstrate your quick thinking and your technique.


If you don't need a table, you may mark the four corners of the court using items or tape instead.


You may play solo or doubles, exactly as in table tennis, to double the fun. 1 through 11 victories (games must be won by two clear points). If you wanted more time for comebacks, you could also play up to 21 points.



Are you a goal-scoring machine that just keeps finding the back of the net? You may practice those abilities at home while testing your family.


What could be simpler than establishing a shootout? All participants, young and old, are welcome.


It's an easy and enjoyable approach to include the whole family. Whether you are taking the shot or are in goal, shootouts are exhilarating.


The penalty taker can test their abilities to maintain composure under pressure and improve their shot accuracy.


Keepers' reflexes may be strengthened and developed. There is no loser here!


Shootouts can occur indoors (in a hallway, for instance) or outside. Your decision is yours.


If you want to set up a penalty shootout in your home or yard, you must have the proper tools. To prevent injuries, we advise using a tiny inflatable goal (two T-shirts would do) and a foam ball.


The game's rules are straightforward: the goalie must attempt to stop the penalty taker from scoring as many goals as possible in five attempts. A goal is worth one point, while a save is worth another. Then the players switch, with the person who took the penalty moving to goal and the goalkeeper attempting to score. The winner is the player with the most points (saves and goals).



Are you a skilled foot player who also enjoys playing skittles? If so, we have the perfect pastime for you. Football skittles is a game that you can play with your family and friends that combines football and skittles, as you can surely imagine.


It may be played outdoors or indoors.


A set of skittles, a foam or soft ball, and a hoop or pole to serve as a shooting target are all you need. Tin cans would also work.


Try a place like a hallway if you're playing inside. Additionally, if you're outside, the garden or the area in front of the garage are ideal.


When shooting, you should be at least five meters away. Aim to hit as many skittles as you can. The whole family may enjoy this shooting game.


The one who hits the most skittles in one or two strokes wins, much like in ten pin bowling. Ten rounds rather than just one can add some spice to the proceedings. May the best shot take the prize!



You may have a lot of fun playing target hoops with your loved ones. Target hoops require kicking the ball with just enough force such that it rolls into a hoop and remains there, something like curling but without the brush.


The game's rules are pretty straightforward: the first participant lines up in front of a line of hoops that is drawn on the ground. Some hoops are rather close together, while others are apart. If you don't already have any hoops, you may build some by chopping up some old cloth or something similar.


After that, the player chooses a hoop and attempts to kick a foam ball into it. If the ball rolls into the hoop and stays there, they get more points the farther away the hoop is. It's a game of precision, dexterity, and calm under pressure.


You get to have fun while showcasing your abilities. Do you take a chance and try to score big or do you play it safe? The winner is the one who has the most points.