
Why Is My Dog Shaking?

Unlike other illnesses or symptoms, a dog trembling or shivering can be just as good, as it can be bad. Maybe they are trembling because they are happy to see you. What are the most common reasons why your dog is shaking? Is treatment necessary?

My dog is shivering. What does it mean?

Before we look into dog’s shaking/shivering or trembling, let’s first explore what the common reasons are. Some of them include the following:



This is usually caused by a virus, and most often occurs in puppies and adolescent dogs that haven’t been fully vaccinated. It’s a common cause of tremors in dogs.


Generalized Tremor Syndrome

This is also known as white shaker dog syndrome. It was first noticed in small, white dogs but it can happen to dogs of all sizes, breeds, or colors. They can start between 9 months and 2 years of age.



From motion sickness, medication, eating more than the stomach can take, or eating the wrong items. Dogs suffer from nausea the same way humans do, and it can cause them to shake or tremble.


Old age or pain

Many times, as dogs get older, they develop tremors in their hind legs. They don’t usually affect how your dog moves but they can cause shakes or tremors.


Seizure Disorders

Similar to humans, dogs may get epilepsy. The symptoms to go with this are collapsing, jerking, stiffening, muscle twitching, drooling, tongue chewing, or even loss of consciousness or foamy mouths.



Since dogs are easily excited, they also shake and shiver during excitement. If your dog shakes when they see you after returning from work, you should hug them and give them some love.


Poison, anxiety, or fear

Ingesting toxic substances, too much noise which causes anxiety or fear of another animal can also be reasons why your dog is shivering. 


e1fb744142143644476a1c710f74dc68.gifHow to prevent my dog from shaking or trembling? 

Some of the reasons why dogs shake or shiver can easily be prevented. I will go through a few of them below.


Love & Care

One of the top fixers of this issue is unconditional love and care. They may feel this way because of a number of reasons, but showing them love and care is a great way to give your dog the highest chance of success in living a healthy life.


Keep them out of the cold

It goes without saying, but if it’s really cold outside, then limit outdoor time for your dog and take them to indoor parks. When the temperatures are low, your dog should wear a suitable coat. 


Watch what they ingest

Have a close eye on your dogs to see what they eat and drink. If there is a chance they may have come close to a toxin, monitor their condition very closely.


Stressful/Loud Environments

Put cotton balls in the dog’s ears which will in turn help them remain calm and collected. There are also natural stress-relieving medications that are available readily.

What is the best treatment?

Treatment for tremors in dogs can vary greatly depending on the cause, and some causes are not treatable. Genetic abnormalities might not be manageable or treatable in any way. In other cases, vets have found success in treating them with natural remedies, as well as prescribed medication. 

The purpose of this article is to provide information. To ensure the health and well-being of your pet, always consult any question or concerns with your veterinarian.


Source - https://pawsdoc.com/dogs/common-symptom/why-is-my-dog-shaking/