
Hear the stories of real people who have improved their lives through interval training programs.

"I wanted to let you know that after 3 weeks of religiously using the Momentum System, I have lost just over 6 lbs! I feel great and people are already starting to comment that I look like I am losing weight!!!"

- Laura, age 28

"I have lost 50 lbs in 4 months and feel better than ever. Momentum really keeps you on a plan that you have to stay on top of and it is easy to do so with the online programs. My weight loss has given me increased self-esteem, and motivation, I have not felt this well for a very long time!"

- Chad, age 26

"I have a lot more energy now using this product. I really like these intervals. I've been teaching aerobics for over 20 years and I find these intervals really exciting and challenging."
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- Cathy, age 56

"It works really well for me because the way it is set up I only have to work out three days a week. What I like most is that I know what I have to do."

- Nicole P., age 26

"It has specific goals and workouts. If you are persistent, you are going to see results. Couple that with improved nutrition and it is going to give you energy"

- Mary M., age 52

"It's been effective in keeping me in shape and keeping the weight off over the long term."

- Rick A., age 47

"It is maintainable. We're all busy with a ton of stuff going on, but this is the perfect formula to incorporate into your life. It's an easy fit."

- Brigid S., age 29

"It's really simple and flexible. Even if I don't have a lot of time, I can still get a workout in and have the results I want."

- Anna H., age 27

"This is great! I am surprised. I love the interval walk and the 20-minute No Excuses Workout. That is what I have the time for and know I can commit to. I have seen results! It is from the workout, and eating a little better. This program has made me re-commit and focus. Really, there is no way you can fail at this if you use it 3-4 times a week and eat well."

- Carrie, age 34

"Jonathan's expertise and enthusiasm have made a significant contribution to my life. The interval workout using the heart rate monitor that he set up for me is so simple and effective, that I was able to incorporate it into my life immediately. Jonathan's instructions are effective, clear, and powerful, and the results I've had have increased my energy and stamina, while pounds and inches have melted away (25 pounds in 4 months, to be exact). Thank you, Jonathan, for being an inspiration and guide to living the best life possible!"

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