
Handwriting Helps Children Retain More Information

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bdm @bdm · Jun 24, 2022


Children are increasingly using digital tools to write and learn, but studies show that a child who writes by hand in upper kindergarten will remember more of that information compared to a child who uses the keyboard to write. That's because handwriting causes activity in a part of the brain that is responsible for attention, experts say.

Every preschool teacher knows that handwriting is a vital skill for a child's development. Examining brain activity, researchers found that using a pen and paper helps children learn more and remember better than recording or typing information on a computer.

 The benefits of handwriting

In the experience of teachers from the best school in south Kolkata, using pen and paper gives the brain more 'hooks' to capture information. Handwriting creates much more activity in the sensorimotor parts of the brain. A lot of the senses are activated by pressing the pen on the paper, observing the written letters, and hearing the sound you make while writing. These sensory experiences create contact between different parts of the brain and open the brain to learning. We learn better and we remember better.

Handwriting and the problems that children face in learning it

Handwriting is a complex process that involves both the brain and other parts of the body for the task to be completed. You have to take a sheet of paper and a pencil, position them correctly, remember the answer you want to write, know what letters the word contains and in what order they appear, look at what you write and press the pencil on the paper hard enough for it to leave marks. Yes, writing is complex, and upper kindergarten children are increasingly faced with writing difficulties, whether it's ugly, incorrect, slow, illegible, and so on.

Learning to write ...

It seems extremely easy, but as we have seen, it is not that simple. Even if we write almost daily, writing is one of the most complex tasks I have to do fulfil as an individual, involving both motor and critical thinking skills. It is not at all surprising that learning to write correctly is something that requires years of practice. Learning to write by children in the best school in south Kolkata is an extremely complex process that involves several steps.

Practice writing

Around the age of 3-4, children can begin to write and towards the end of kindergarten, children start writing in block letters, without leaving spaces between words. With a little help, at this age children can learn the difference between lowercase and uppercase letters, they also know that it is written from left to right and not the other way around. As they grow older, children gradually develop their motor skills in writing, make the letters smaller and more equal, and by the end of primary school writing becomes an automatism.


Why is handwriting important?

As I said, in an age of computers, handwriting seems to be losing its importance. However, things are not so simple in this regard. Every preschool teacher believes that handwriting is extremely important for a child because it is part of the process of communicating with others. The development of handwriting skills is closely related to that of reading performance and vice versa. Until the end of their studies, the children are put in the situation of using handwriting every day, making them practice. The obtained performances ensure increased self-esteem and positively shape their attitude towards school.

How do we encourage children to write?

Encouragement is the key to success in any field. So, start encouraging your child to write from the first year of life. After the child starts school and writing becomes a daily practice, in an institutionalized setting, try to find ways to make him practice with pleasure and at home. Encourage him to write letters, and greeting cards and encourage him to write his own diary If you feel that handwriting is becoming a burden to your child and that he is not doing well, try to encourage him positively. Here are some tips:

Teach him to be patient!

Many children do not do well in writing because they want to learn too fast. Encourage your child to be patient and pay attention to each letter.

Explain that anyone can be wrong!

Teach your child to use correction tools (eraser, concealer, bit, etc.), and don't scold him when he's wrong.

Encourage the right technique and be careful with the position of the pen!

The way the pen touches the paper is important for the writing to be easy and beautiful. There are pens with special shapes in the shops, to help the little ones learn how to position them between their fingers so that the writing is easier.

Train her hands to write!

Even if it seems hard to believe, writing requires a trained hand muscle. At first, the child may get tired very quickly, but if you encourage him to play more with plasticine or other toys that involve the use of hands you will see that writing will not tire him so much.

Don't force him to write with his right hand!

Left-handed writing is a phenomenon we see in many children. The parent's stubbornness to make the child write with the right hand, against his will, can have serious emotional effects, so try to get used to the idea.

Writing and reading are the keys to success in life!

Don't forget this and don't forget to instil it in your child. Whether you're reading a book together or writing letters to your grandparents over the weekend, spending time with your child to stimulate the enjoyment of writing and reading is one of the deepest ways to support his or her upbringing and development.