
Fresh grain dish - our varied Super Power cereal for breakfast

We have the so-called fresh grain dish (also known as fresh grain porridge or fresh grain muesli) almost every day. It is so tasty and varied that it is still our favorite breakfast even after years. On top of that, the fresh grain dish is also extremely healthy and is considered one of the cornerstones of whole foods that are rich in vital substances.

Now what is this “fresh grain dish”? You can think of it as a kind of muesli made with fresh, unheated grain. The fresh grain dish can be prepared in a variety of ways. But before we tell you our tips and tricks, let's start with the original recipe for the “fresh grain porridge”.

Fresh grain porridge original recipe
Many books by Dr. Bruker (the founder of the whole food diet rich in vital substances) presented the fresh grain porridge according to the nutritionist Prof. Kollath:

Three tablespoons of grain (e.g. wheat, rye or a mixture of different types of grain) are roughly crushed with a coffee or grain grinder. Three tablespoons are about 50 g of grain.
The crushed grain is mixed with a little cold tap water to a pulp and left to stand at room temperature for about 5 to 12 hours (not in the refrigerator).
After oriental food recipes soaking period, seasonally chopped fruit, some freshly squeezed lemon juice, a tablespoon of cream and a few grated nuts are added. If possible, stir a grated apple under the soaked grain to make the whole thing "airy".
When we first heard of the fresh grain porridge, we were skeptical. We could not imagine that raw grain really tastes and is digestible. After a short time of hesitation, Sönke's curiosity won out and he bought a small hand grain mill from the health food store from his tight student budget.

Our initial concerns were completely unfounded. Our stomach did not rebell and to our astonishment we found the fresh dish surprisingly tasty.

The “secret” recipe from the Bruker house
We found our fresh grain dish to be delicious. At our seminars in the Bruker House in Lahnstein, the fresh grain dish tasted even better than at home. We got to know the special tricks at our practical seminar last year in the Bruker House:

We used to make the mistake of using too much water when soaking. This made our fresh grain porridge taste watery quickly. You should really only dose the soaking water in such a way that the grain is soaked through, but not floating in it.

In addition, half of a banana is mashed with a little fresh peeled lemon per serving in the Bruker House and then mixed with the grains. Grating or grating the apple and adding it to the grains really makes a difference in taste. Since then we are mostly not too lazy for this extra step. 😉

In addition, a good portion of cream is used: for 20 portions approx. 1 liter. The creamed cream makes the fresh grain dish very tasty, but we try to eat as little milk products as possible. That is why we only offer the fresh grain dish with cream on special occasions. Alternatively, and as a vegan alternative, we like to take raw almond butter *.

Grist, flakes and sprouts
Traditionally, the grain for the fresh grain dish is roughly crushed and soaked. Soaking makes the grains softer and easier to chew. In addition, soaking activates enzymes, similar to growing sprouts. This allows our body to digest the nutrients and vital substances more easily. In addition, these active enzymes are important vital substances for our body.

You can vary the standard preparation of the fresh grain dish:

Those who like it pithy can grind the grain fresh and eat it without soaking. Buckwheat and oats are pleasantly soft even when freshly crushed. You need good teeth for other cereals. 😉
We find it particularly tasty to grow grain sprouts over two to three days and thus refine our fresh grain dish. With a flake squeezer, you can even make fresh cereal flakes yourself. (The grain sprouts and flakes will not be soaked overnight.)
You can also deviate completely from the traditional fresh grain dish and e.g. mix a “fresh grain shake” or “power drink” with finely ground fresh flour. You can find recipe suggestions on the Dagmara blog and in the Vollwert-Forum.