
8 Tips That Can Help DevOps Engineers Optimize Cloud Cost

An agile software development lifecycle is essential to get a competitive advantage in the rapidly changing technology landscape. DevOps has thus become a necessary strategy for organizations across the globe.


What is DevOps?


DevOps combines two words Software Development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops). It empowers organizations to deliver apps and services at high velocity, which is the need of the hour.



Who is a DevOps developer?


DevOps developer is a professional who facilitates the entire software development process, ensuring fast pace, high performance, and improved coordination between software and IT teams. He often uses agile methodologies to resolve conflicting demands or issues that might occur during the development process.



Cloud waste is a matter of concern


Covid-19 has taught businesses to control their expenditures even while the sun is shining. Therefore, cost-cutting has become a norm across many giant organizations.


Most businesses are running on the internet these days, and for data storage, companies heavily rely upon cloud computing. Thus, the expenditure on internet connectivity and cloud storage has increased astronomically. As a result, organizations have to allocate a separate budget for cloud usage.

However, not every penny they spend after this delivers productive results. Waste of cloud space and internet connectivity used for unproductive work is a common concern for organizations worldwide.


What can a DevOps developer do to reduce this cost?


Cloud adoption is increasing on a meteoric scale. Therefore, it has become mandatory for organizations to imbibe practices that may help them optimize cloud usage costs. However, technology has yet not made it possible to predict or forecast cloud expenditure accurately. Here is when the expertise of a DevOps engineer is called for.


DevOps engineers can help reduce cloud costs with effective DevOps methodologies. Today, we share six practical tips to help DevOps engineers solve the cloud waste problem.


Understanding the problem is crucial


Organizations spend a bounty on cloud resources. If they are unused or underused, organizations may suffer huge losses. If the pattern recurs, organizations would instead divert their funds toward operations that provide more value.


However, this might put them in a fix when a sudden requirement for cloud infrastructure arises. Therefore, technical and corporate decision-makers are often befuddled about controlling the cloud cost.

DevOps engineers can help organizations determine how much cloud infrastructure they require and when they should plan to scale up with their deep insights and sound knowledge of both the technology and operations.


DevOps services can help reduce cloud wastage by-

  1. Eliminating silos
  2. Providing quick feedback
  3. Automating processes
  4. Holistic thinking
  5. Price comparison
  6. Resource usage evaluation
  7. Restrict computing power:
  8. Setting alerts


  1. Eliminating silos


Two primary silos can hinder the development process:

- Communication silos

- Access silos

DevOps principles help organizations deal with cloud cost management by preventing unrequired computing. Organizations can appoint admins to determine when computing should be allowed or not. This way, it can restrict the computing activity without impacting its productivity.


2. Holistic thinking


DevOps engineers should have two primary goals: resolve problems as quickly as possible and reduce the cost of the process. The engineer thus has to consider the IT environment of the software development company USA, and individual experiences combinedly. Furthermore, it requires the engineer to think unconventionally and come up with practical solutions.


Read More: 8 Tips That Can Help DevOps Engineers Optimize Cloud Cost
