
Jew's Harp Or Jaw Harp

Traditional Jew's Harp of the Vietnamese mountain people Hmong. I play in Metsatöll, and Metsatöll is this kind of music because of we are Estonians and that I am so full soaked through Estonian folkmusic and roots already from my childhood, that I have no other possibility than play and sing in my own home language and to make music, we are making.f5b48034263498a0f9503c89666d8637.jpg
There are no regular passenger connections beyond the boundaries of Yakutia, but there are occasional passenger boats coming in from Ust-Kut ( Irkutsk Oblast ), where there is a train station along the Trans-Siberian Railway There is also regular freight traffic through the North Sea from the ports of Northwestern Russia ( Murmansk , Arkhangelsk ), by the name "Northern Delivery" (Северный завоз).
Fig. 2-7: Wrong ways of jews harp holding - the fingers squeeze the frame from the top and bottom. There are khomuses with a wooden frame and a metal reed. There are kinds of khomus with one, two, three, or four reeds. Altai Mountains are situated in the center of Asia at the junction of the Siberian taiga, the steppes of Kazakhstan and the semi-deserts of Mongolia.8aceecc4ec7eb86e85e3da9e6f5f341e.jpg
In the musical and spiritual ideoscape of the central Asian steppe, the forces of nature's master-spirits affect everyday life. With just two million people spread over a vast expanse of over one million square miles, the nomadic life is often pitted against the elemental power of nature, early or late snow, rain and wind, testing the resilience and humility of humans. In this landscape, the gods can be charmed with music, and music performance become an act of reciprocity—returning to nature what has been borrowed.
Every acoustical instrument has its own unique sound, it is alive and its colour doesn't compare to anything in the world of electrical and amplified instruments. When you recognize its allure, you never get a rid of it. Haï, Trân Quang. Guimbardes du monde: Jew's Harps of the World. Playa Sound, 1997.37b73a9fb9915aa6b662b9293087048c.jpg
Because of historical factors and its influence from Russian diaspora, most Yakuts have lost their beliefs in Shamanism or have converted to Russian Orthodox religion. However, Shamanism has not totally vanished. People still believe that shamans have some supernatural powers. They are respected and protected by people and local authorities.84f305aa4ec03cf217b64a25b80dacd5.jpg
Music teacher, founder and leader of the ensemble ”Keremet”. In 1983 Mrs. Madvarova developed a method of notation for the Jew's harp. In 1971 she played the temir-khomus at the 24th Party Conference of the CPSU in front of Brezhnev, Ulbricht, and Castro. According to Mrs. Madvarova the party leaders wondered about the origin of the celestial sound of the Jew's harp just as Goethe, Humboldt, and Jean Paul had wondered when they became witnesses of the Jew's harp renaissance in Europe during the 19th century.
the khomus instrument