

Are we currently with a individuality? In my understanding, we are considerably more compared to that. Each of us comes with a greater factor. This aspect has been called the Self. Some many others have referred to this as the oversoul or even overself, When I am incorrect.

Who and what's the Self? From my knowledge, the Self is the self's intellect and wisdom component. Ironically, the Self is unbiased and does not have a'feeling of self' just like the way our persona is. Regardless, it serves as a directing element for ego or the personality.

Can this evasive more self be contacted? Yes and an average of it's achieved by way of some other altered states of comprehension or meditation.

A little bit about me. Straight back at the late nineteen nineties , I discovered if I am thinking tarot cards hard I shall some times receive fantasies that try to answer my own questions. Mostly the visions are symbolic. By impulsing symbols and fantasies which sort messages self can communicate.

An example of such transmissions:

Several years before, I contemplated about the essence of the cycle of reincarnation. Will spirits be forever looped within the kingdom? (In accordance with a lot of Eastern Beliefs, be-ings who'd not attained enlightenment is going to be captured in a vicious group of perpetual arrival and rebirth.) Out of nowhere, I received a transmission from outside my mind. It came like an'package'... like a burst of images/symbols and moods. Very rapidly, divide impressions. The offer seemed to become received from the brain's ideal hemisphere. Until it is lost by me, my brain attempted to interpret this transmission. How can I know it wasn't my creativity? Well I don't really think in graphics. I presume in languages; English, Mandarin, etc.. The images performed 'dual-split' . That is, the graphics are all overlaying my visual perception of this environment around me. Nicely, a'dual-split' in consciousness is not the way my brain works!

The vision that was animated was put against a light blue background. There were bands or rings having a shade relocating towards a position. I feel I might'd lose some crucial info, because the transmission was so quickly. Anyway, here's my own interpretation. Please understand that it was. As I can never be to sure in Regards to the Truth of my interpretation:

"The transmission is trying to fix mistakes or rather incompleteness within my comprehension of the plot of all things. The cycle of reincarnation is not designed to continue forever. Eventually all will reunite back tarot reading to the Origin or essence."

Effectively, that transmission was several years back. My understanding on such thing has been refined since then. However, the transmission had been appropriate (for my degree of knowing ) at the moment.

Through the years, those vision transmissions from Greater Self, along with all the advice of Enlightened bodily lecturers, have helped me to understand the universe and the dynamics consciousness .

Thank you for reading.

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