
Now Get Ready For Masters Programs

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AIG ACADEMY @Rohan_Khanna2 · Dec 18, 2021

So it's spring time now which means that is around the year when people are starting to think about their graduate study and what types of courses that would like to do so we are going to tell you all about the different types of masters courses that are out there.


The master’s course can be divided into 3 main categories and these are:

Taught masters degree

Research masters degree

Professionals masters degree



So today I am going to tell you about 2 masters degrees that is thought and research masters degrees because in the scientific field it will usually be an Msc or it will be an amorous and sometime it can also be an M.phill, All these things come 1 year masters in education which is AIG Academy has brought for you.


Lets know about MSC: the full form of MSC is ( Master Of Science) this course is typically associated with STEM subjects, Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths as well as some social sciences such as marketing and communications, political science  and one year business masters programs. MSC courses are predominantly thought courses; there are a few exceptions that do include research projects such as MSC immunology and immunotherapy.


Research masters degree: now these are also available in a variety of subject areas such as ancient history, maths, archaeology, biomedical research and many other areas such as cancer sciences. This master’s degree online one year. You are also getting this chance. To maintain the difference between research and MSC courses is the research component and courses typically have less contact hours and by that mean that there is less teaching in those courses and more research whereas in an MSC course you do get more teaching and you get more contact hours.



These courses are usually seen as a stepping stone towards the PHD. On these courses you do gain quite an extensive hands on experience in research again you can get that in some MSC courses. These are the best one year masters programs. Now studies will become very interesting with AIG Academy. We believe that it is very important to be practical with theory, due to which the skills of the students get better and they become masters in that thing.


These 1 year masters degree programs have been brought from our side keeping the importance of your time. Because time is precious to all and now is the time to do more in less time. Everyone wants to do masters and now we will fulfil this wish of all because incomplete studies are of no use. Complete your studies, reach a point, and then your hard work will pay you.