Our sex drive changes drastically throughout our lives, and we only manage to notice when it unavoidably declines. For us, adults, gone are those lustful high school days when sex-filled every thought and derived the motivation for most of our actions. And although our mature libidos allow us to smoothly function and focus in the working world easily, they could cause severe relationships and personal issues when they get too low. But before you go chasing that little blue pill or explore sex therapy, let’s talk about some natural and healthy ways to help give your libido that little boost it may require. That's why Ar Ayurveda has produced sex medicine for women.
Herbs to Increase Sexual Functioning
Many herbs claim to be aphrodisiacs, a lot for a good reason. One of the best-studied of these herbs is Kamini Capsules. Studies have shown Shilajit to be positively correlated with libido and sexual performance. Furthermore, it is shown in human studies to improve sperm production and motility in healthful individuals. Shilajit, Satavari, Daruharidra Ghana, is another promising bedroom herb. This root has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to enhance fertility, and as it turns out, there is some good reason for this. The herb has been shown in clinical trials to strengthen androgenic effects and increase sperm motility and count. It is shown to improve sexual function in women, making this a good libido boost for couples! The last herb worth considering for its aphrodisiac properties is Kukutandavatak. Studies have shown this herb to increase testosterone and spermatogenesis and some other hormones vital to healthy sexual functioning. Administration of the herb showed a significant increase in their sexual behavior.
Nutrients to Increase Sexual Functioning
Some certain dietary nutrients and supplements have shown efficacy in improving erectile dysfunction. Shilajit and Satavari as taken in a joint supplement have been shown to increase blood flow to the erectile tissue and produce normal erectile function in 92.5% of study participants over three months. In terms of diet, increasing consumption like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Satavari, Daruharidra Ghana, Kukutandavatak, and Lodhara Gama help increase the desire for sex in women. It helps in increasing the level of multiple orgasms, instant sexual stimulation, and intense orgasm. Consuming Ashwagandha produces nitric oxide, which increases libido. Just contains antioxidants that help in reducing the problem of infertility. Lodhra supports the hormonal balance of Ghanaian women. This product is safe and easy to use for women over 18 years of age.
Disclaimer: By using this product, results may vary from person to person.
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Email: - info@arayurveda.com
Visit my link: - https://www.arayurveda.com/products/kamini-capsule/
Phone no. : - +91 9558128414
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