
Which is the Best Clinic in India for IUI Treatment?

IUI stands for Intrauterine Insemination. It is a fertility treatment, wherein the sperms are placed directly into the woman’s uterus. This process increases the likelihood of getting pregnant, providing the couples with the gift of parenthood. It is best for those couples who face difficulty in becoming parents.


IUI is a non-evasive and budgeted fertility treatment as compared to IVF. IUI is performed using the sperm of the prospective partner of a donor. Here are the scenarios in which this treatment is used:


  • Infertility
  • Mild symptoms of endometriosis
  • Problems with cervical muscles
  • Low sperm count
  • Reduced sperm mobility
  • Same-sex couples willing to conceive
  • A couple who does not want the genetic defect to pass on to their child

IUI is effective in such cases. But in some cases it is ineffective. Here are the scenarios:


  • Women having severe endometriosis
  • Women whose fallopian tubes are blocked
  • Women with fallopian tube diseases
  • Women with several pelvic infections
  • Men who are incapable of producing sperms

These are the situations in which IUI isn’t recommended because the success rate of IUI in such situations is less. If you reach out to the best clinic in India for IUI treatment, they will keep you aware of these aspects and provide the best treatment plan for a higher success rate.


What to Expect in IUI? 


IUI is a painless fertility treatment, wherein a woman is given certain medications before the procedure. She ovulates normally and sperm are placed in the uterus in this procedure. Ovulation with more than one egg increases the chance of pregnancy.


IUI doesn’t require any anaesthesia during the process. In the process, the patient lies on the table. The doctor opens the vagina and passes the sperm through the cervix into the uterus.


The patient remains reclined for half an hour after the insemination. There is no discomfort in the process, however, some women may experience cramps or vaginal bleeding after the process.


The second insemination is done on the second day. The pregnancy test is done after two weeks after the insemination.


Possible Risks

Here are the possible risks of the IUI process.


  • In the IUI process, there is a slight risk of infection. On a positive note, infections are rare.
  • If certain medications are used to induce ovulation, then it can result in having multiple babies.
  • Ovaries can over-respond to the medications provided As a result, a large number of matured eggs can be released at a time.
  • Over medications can result in
  • fluid buildup in the abdomen
  • several kidney problems
  • ovary twisting
  • blood clots

If you are also taking certain medications and are experiencing the symptoms mentioned below, then it’s time to call a doctor, immediately. Here are the symptoms.

  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increase in the size of the abdomen

Taking medications can result in these symptoms. Thus, it is essential to stay in touch with your doctor to get noticed for even the smallest cramp in the body. Let us now look at the success rate of IUI.


The success rate of IUI

Every couple responds differently to the treatment. Pregnancy rates too, are varied based on fertility treatment. Before the age of 40, the chances of getting pregnant and the success rate of IUI are very high.  

But the success rate of pregnancy in women after 40 has been reduced. There are certain instances, wherein, the women haven’t gotten pregnant after the three cycles of IUI. The success rate primarily depends upon the age and the underlying fertility concerns of the women.  However, the best clinics in India for IUI treatment have produced fruitful results for many hopeless couples.


Intrauterine Insemination is a painless and non-invasive treatment that helps couples who are trying to conceive but have failed. IUI helps women in getting pregnant, thereby having a healthy delivery. Thus, IUI is a cost-effective and low-risk treatment that helps couples in enjoying parenthood.