
How to Keep Your Workplace Environment Secure?

Cyber-attacks - how are we to protect our business from them? Unit is always thinking about that. This is because cyber-attacks cost businesses $400 Billion a year on average by causing issues related to business reputation, customer trust, and trade secrets for example.


One of the easiest ways to ensure better security at your company is to train your staff to keep their email safe. Employees play an integral role in keeping your company’s information secure, so you must be sure that there are systems in place for them. Who will help educate your employees if not you? Your corporate computer system tends to contain more private information than what most of the general population has access too. That makes it even harder to manage but educating your team on how best to protect sensitive data is crucial!

This is why it is so important that they stay up-to-date on the best procedures to protect their company.

In order to help protect your business from cybercrime of all types, here are some basic tips you can take practical measures to use:


  • ·         Never open links or attachments from unknown persons.
  • ·         Don’t respond to emails that request a password change and require you to divulge personal information — no matter how official the source appears.
  • ·         Ensure antivirus and anti-spy software are updated on your computer.
  • ·         Encrypt any emails containing sensitive data before sending.
  • ·         Don’t use your company email address to send and receive personal emails.
  • ·         Don’t automatically forward company emails to a third-party email system.
  • ·         Create strict standards for company-related Mobile Device usage


Mobile devices have become a major part of our workforce, and as such you have to make sure your employees are equipped with the latest tech. Helping them stay up-to-date with current security threats is key here. Nowadays, there's a lot of cyber hacking going on with mobile phone use so in order to safeguard against this and other services, it's important your team has password-protected devices and can encrypt their emails. It’s not a bad idea to also suggest they get an approved security application to help prevent cyber-attacks.


CyRAACS offers Mobile Device Management, which can be acquired through the Unit Security Suite. Mobile Device Management helps with many of these safety features, such as the ability to remotely wipe mobile devices. To acquire these features and other security measures, contact us for Cyber Risk Advisory or all your Office 365 needs.


Source: https://cyraacs.blogspot.com/2022/03/how-to-keep-your-workplace-environment.html