
5 things to consider while developing Hybrid Apps

Developing apps can be difficult, especially if you want to create an app that can be used on multiple platforms. New apps have emerged to make building cross-platform much easier. However, this has ignited debate amongst developers over whether it is best to develop using native technologies or use a cross-platform technology. Today, we’ll provide 5 things for you to consider when making this decision.

1.The End User Experience

It usually takes a long time to make the user experience consistent across all platforms, even when using a cross-platform app. Additionally, developing the app in the native language usually results in a better experience for the user. For the moment web-based apps simply can’t compete with high-quality apps developed specifically for the platform.

2.The App’s Useability

Users are used to how apps work on their devices. However, creating an app using a cross-platform approach usually results in a different kind of functionality. That is because you have to constantly keep up with changes to Android and iOS, something which native apps don’t have to worry about. Building a native app also lets you access the latest frameworks, ensuring that you can incorporate the latest features in the app.

3. Interactive User Experience

The more the user has to interact with your app, the more likely it is you will have to develop it using native software. Some apps, such as Netflix for example, don’t need a lot of user interaction to work. They can be developed in HTML as a cross-platform approach. However, if you are building a gaming app, it might be best to develop it specifically for the platform.

4. Speed

As technology gets faster people tend to become less patient. In fact, studies have shown that people are only willing to wait for ten seconds for a website to load. Hybrid apps tend to be slower than native apps because they have to go through additional interfaces. If you are entering a competitive space, where app speed will be important, you should strongly consider programming with the platform’s native language.


5. Potential Restrictions

One of the most difficult things about a cross-platform approach is the lack of support. Native apps can usually provide information on where things are going wrong and advice on how to fix it. With a hybrid approach, you have to figure that out yourself. Additionally, native apps usually have better access to things like the camera and GPS locations. Finally, many hybrid apps find it very difficult to incorporate in-app purchases while native apps make this relatively simple.

Deciding what approach, you will take to developing your app is very important. However, many people find it difficult to choose between the hybrid and native approaches. As this article has shown, they both have benefits and they both have disadvantages. For example, the convenience of hybrid apps versus the functionality of native apps. Hopefully, this article will make it easier for you to choose which approach you use when developing your app.

Contact Focaloid Technologies for hybrid app development services in India, US & UK.