
JavaScript Security: Everything You Need To Know

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Bobsmith @Bobsmith2 · Jul 14, 2021 · edited: Aug 3, 2021

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages used by developers around the world for web and mobile app development. According to a survey, 67 percent of web developers prefer to use JavaScript and it is used in over 95 percent of websites. 

But when we consider it from a security point of view, JavaScript is fourth on the list of most vulnerable languages, right below Java, C, and PHP. That is why it is crucial for developers to ensure JavaScript protection while developing and maintaining JavaScript applications. 

In this article, we will discuss the main principles of JavaScript security, common JavaScript vulnerabilities, and how to deal with those vulnerabilities.

Identifying the potential JavaScript security problems is the first step towards securing your application and business data. Take a proactive approach to security and actively look for vulnerabilities before deploying the code to ensure your application is always safe and you are able to offer the end-users the best experience possible.
