
Seed Market | Global Market Database

The successful functioning of the supply chain, facilitated by the applicable national seed laws, regulations, initiatives, management strategies, and policies, is largely dependent on the degree to which the specific expertise and skills needed for the development of quality seeds and planting materials can be developed for commercial use by the stakeholders. The free market research tool, Global Market Database can be used to identify the market potential of the Global seed market over the next ten years. Global Market Database is a world’s first dynamic B2B Market Research Platform which provides free market research tools.

The primary purpose of seed storage is to conserve seeds through one summer to another, but it is advantageous for farmers and seed companies to preserve seeds for a minimum of 2-3 years or sometimes even longer. Since seeds are typically stored for more than one year it is critical to understand that the durability and vigor of the seed are influenced by seed harvesting, processing, and seed storage. Seeds are delicate and growing organisms, and variables such as soil nutrients influence the lifespan of the seed at the start of the crop growth. Global Market Database is an effective market research tool that gives its users market wise quantitative inputs.

More than 40% of Kenya’s overall population and more than 70% of its rural residents are supported by the agricultural industry. The industry contributes 65% of export earnings and supports more than 80% of the population with a living. With an increasing population, the industry remains crucial for the security of food and nutrition in the nation. The seed market in Kenya is regulated by its National Seed Policy and associated laws.  The National Seed Policy strives to achieve, encourage, and regulate a new and dynamic seed market. A dynamic seed market is essential to ensuring timely availability of high-quality seeds of improved, suitable varieties at reasonable prices to small scale farmers in Kenya.

Due to limited access, incapacity to purchase seeds restricted access to agricultural dealers, most smallholder farmers in Kenya still depend at least partly on informal seed systems. The formal sector centers on the breeding and evaluation of improved varieties and the production and distribution by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), the government department responsible for seed regulation in Kenya. You can use free market research tools at GMD for further assessment of the business planning.

Although the Regional Economic Communities of Africa (RECs) are already taking measures to integrate the management of seeds, the process is difficult and would take the full impact of the significant intervention by national regulatory authorities. Kenya entered the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) deal in 2010. CAADP’s key purpose is to assist African countries to develop strategies and programs aimed at accelerating economic development, eliminating malnutrition, reducing poverty, and enhancing food security. The agricultural sector in Kenya has been influenced by recent policies, plans, and regulations. Kenya laid out a long-term growth plan known as Vision 2030 in 2008. The aim of Vision 2030 is to create a middle-income, newly developed nation that offers a good quality of life in a clean and safe environment for all its people.

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