
I gave this a really good think last night and looked at various games and their PvP systems and while keeping fundamental theory that every MMO should Maintain the critical balance between the player archetypes and let everyone have an enjoyable experience while keeping all players somewhat satisfied with their playtime. I’ve come to this conclusion:

Since it seems that they don’t want to change the actual core mechanic (or any of them actually) - and never mind that it has no link to established lore/immersion for the game. We have to work with what we’ve been given, but we must also follow the theory and it’s critical to obtain new players and keep them. Incentives and activities available to everyone are crucial to this topic.

Enable a toggle option for World PvP Events in the menu with an explanation that it’s not World PvP, and there are high levels who participate but PvP world events offer great and unique rewards.
Some players only want to have a PvE experience or don’t want to have to be looking over their shoulder when they go to farm Queens Ears so they disable World PvP altogether. That doesn’t mean that those same players wouldn’t like to participate in a fair and balanced event for a short time and put the risk versus the reward and then return to their PvE experience. Obtain new players and keep them with fun and enjoyable experiences of all types.

Goblin spawns at a random time
Could be an hour and then 10 minutes later, could be 4 hours. No one will ever know.
This must be implemented to maintain balance. Since we now know that hardcore PvP players are setting timers and using third party apps to coordinate - which leaves people who don’t at a loss leaving solo/PUG/New players at an unfair disadvantage which hurts obtaining new players and keeping them. A completely randomized time must be established to create balance.

Goblin spawns and for those with World PvP events enabled a pop up appears.
So you are out questing or grinding or in a dungeon or raid or simply hanging out and chatting - a pop up appears on your screen. A goblin has been spotted! Would you like to participate in this event? YES or NO This gives all players the same choice and signifies the start of the event. A player can be any level.
If they click NO they go on with their game. If they click yes they are entered into a randomized queue with a countdown timer.
Having a timer will allow the player to prepare for battle. Maybe teleport to their home and unload their most precious possessions, maybe to take a piss, maybe join their discord server.

When the timer ends all players who queued are teleported to the zone at the same time and placed in random groups.
So this elite 10 team army who just dominates this event is now forced to disseminate and be randomly grouped with other players regardless of their level and completely eliminates the teleport spawn camping issue.
This also provides and maintains a balance of fairness within the event. and will provide even the casual player with a somewhat enjoyable experience and promotes community spirit and general fairness within the community.

The area of play is restricted to those who participate in the event. This will eliminate the exploiters who click no but then someone on their discord says its over here come quick and they port over to assist. I would even go so far as to say deactivate all teleport stones completely until the event is over.

Make the goblin a marker on the compass for those playing.
This will eliminate the issue of people not even seeing the goblin and give everyone a fair shot at the general area of where it is.

The group who gets the token must be visually apparent and has to exit the area to complete the event and that zone must be visually apparent for everyone to see.

It’s simple capture the flag people. How many times have you played online the one who has the flag is the one seen. It’s a simple fundamental and allows fair and balanced game play. This will get rid of headless chicken PvP.

When the group wins the entire group is rewarded but make the token RNG.

This allows everyone in the group to get something, but only one person would get the token. somewhat satisfied game play and incentive to do it again.

Rezzing is done within the area at random spots.
This will eliminate the graveyard campers since they don’t know where the dead will pop. Plus, they should be more concerned with obtaining the win for their group.

When the event ends everyone is ported back to Highsteppe and toggled off.
Thus ending the event.

If you don’t like this idea, then you must be one of the ones who like to dominate. This game should not cater to high end players and events should be available for everyone to have a somewhat enjoyable experience.

I am done responding as this is the best I got. If you want to argue about semantics and well, johnny will do this and billy will do that you are just hurting the overall structure and ultimately crushing what could be a great game because you don’t believe in fair and balanced game play for all archetypes of players.

And stop with the excuses. Well, this game doesn’t have zones or what if I get grouped with a level 2 that’s unfair. Or it’s impossible to do - then remove the activity altogether because it is broken.

This is why World PvP should have zones of PvP where you can do your guild domination. I’m not forgetting about you guys. I feel that everyone should have a somewhat enjoyable experience and that World PvP should be brutal and cruel, but balance and fair play must be the first and topmost priority to obtain new players and keep them.