The auction market theory, this theory is about the stock trades. This means there are two types of people according to the theory, one is a buyer and another one is the seller. This is quite interesting because according to the theory the seller will sell that stock trade at the highest price. The opposite one he or she has to buy the stock trades small prices. That all about their profits. The auction theory also applied in books of economic. The price of that stock depends on the equilibrium economy.
In this market, the only members who can participate are the seller or buys. That is only for the new candidate who joined recently. The Important thing about this meeting that it is conducted between the afternoons every day. That theory like the framework and that is very popular. We can say that is like the mechanism. All the stockholding and the and the owner of that stock sell their stocks. We can say that the New York market theory is the world's largest market theory.
Basically how many types of Auction?
Generally, there are four types of Auction, and that all are established the major auction Which is.
The ascending-bid
The descending-bid
The sealed bid
The sealed bid auction.
The New York market has multiple dealers to buy the shares, this happens when that stock owner sold their stocks. But unfortunately, anyhow that is not delivered in the right place or at the right time. The stock market run by this theory, every stocker should have known about this theory. If anyone does not know about the theory then in the future he might be in trouble.
Therefore that all regions are mandatory. Also, the highest price of that stock then is not more than 20%. And also that is not less than 20%.
How you can get profit from this?
In the market generally, their many market profile trading strategies are available to get profit or make money. But in the stock market, they have their principal. Before they invested in any of their stock. So that is very important before investment that is you have to check all thing carefully.
In the trading world if you are a beginner then you should have known these things, which are-
The beginner always keeps in mind one thing which is the all about the trading power is knowledge, also they have to aside the funds. The beginner should have started with small, then go for the large. If you are a beginner and you are going for the huge, then you might be in trouble. One thing you should avoid the penny stocks. Also, you have to keep in mind one thing which is the limited orders with the losses cut.
The trading strategy
That market and the relative of that which is the small scale of production. This trade strategy means all the buyers and the sellers of that area that under consideration and also for the region too. If we talk about the region then that is like the earth. There are many ways in the market by that you can develop your trading strategy. The first one is the market idea, choose the correct stock, time balance, ready to sell the stocks when the price is going high. The best time to trade that is in Day, because that time, not every trader are present when the night then that time all the experience trader back to their trading. That’s why that time is so difficult.
Why these play the important role in trading?
Nifty Future is a contract, which gives the right to seller or buyer to sell or buy the stocks. In the trading market, you need the proper strategy for trading. If you don’t know the right strategy then you lose time and you might lose money as well. That’s why you have to know the right strategy before trading.
If you invest your money in stocks, then there is a better option which is you can invest in a nifty future.
In the market, there are many strategies, and nifty future strategies are one of them. Also in nifty Future that divided into two types, one is for a short period and another is for a long period. When the trader holds their options till all night then he made some money, or he invested for long periods. But in the Nifty Future, the trader holds their stock for some time. That is enough to making money, so that is quite better than anything. That’s right that by nifty index you can make a lot of money, but you have to know about the right strategy. If you don’t know about the right strategy then that time you lose your time or money. That index is the financial contract that gives the right to the buyer to sell the stocks which he held now.