
Accounting Agreement Sample Smart Business Box

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Manasvi Rane @Manasvi_Rane · Jul 29, 2021



An accounting agreement sample is used by an accountant or professional accounting company to define the field and payment duration for work to be done. It is between the client and the accountant. 


This document helps them to set an expectation of significantly fewer chances of disagreements. And it is signed by the accountant and the client. The main motive of this agreement is data confidentiality to a more significant extent. 


The accounting agreement sample differs from company to company, business to business, and individuals. And thus, the services and pricing are decided. 


This document is helpful for businesses that want certain aspects of their finances handled and individuals with personal accounting needs. 


An accounting agreement sample states the different factors that govern the contract, including-

1. Address of the firm

2. License to work document / professional qualifications

3. Scope of work

4. Name of the accounting firm/accountant

5. Length of agreement

6. Payment details – hourly, daily, weekly and monthly

7. Clauses on termination

8. Limitation of liability

9. Rights and obligations

10. Working format – in-house or outsourced 


If you are having a problem while making an accounting agreement sample document. Then use Smart Business Box, make any document in minutes and get your work done. The documents are made with the help of a lawyer.


Buy Smart Business Box today. And never work hard again.