The term “Kitchen Cabinet “was coined by Andrew Jackson. The term "Kitchen Cabinet" was used in jest to refer to President Andrew Jackson's official council of advisors. The phrase has been in use for many years and is now typically used to describe a politician's informal network of advisors.
Jackson had a lot of mistrust for official Washington when he took office following the bitter election of 1828. He started to fire government employees who had been in their positions for years as part of his anti-establishment activities. The Spoils System was the name given to his restructuring of the government.
Additionally, Jackson filled the majority of the positions in his cabinet with extremely obscure or ineffective persons, maybe in an effort to ensure that the president held all the authority rather than other members of the government.
Martin Van Buren, who was named secretary of state, was the only man in Jackson's cabinet who was thought to have any genuine political stature. Van Buren had been a key player in New York State politics, and his capacity to sway northern voters in favor of Jackson's appeal to the frontier helped Jackson win the presidency.
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