
Prostate cancer is a serious risk factor for covid-19 patients

COVID is a global pandemic affecting many lives. With the surge in COVID cases worse than ever before, we are seeing the Government imposing stricter restrictions and guidelines for citizens yet again. We urge and remind you to postpone your treatment if it can wait until the pandemic situation gets better. Or you may take the teleconsultation with your oncologist to manage your cancer at home if it is at an early stage. But if it is not possible, then keep the strictest social distance, sanitize, and wear a double mask while you visit the hospital. Prostate cancer men are more prone to the infection and have a worse prognosis. Hence, prevention is better than cure. COVID causes respiratory tract infection leading to a high mortality rate in patients with the acute respiratory syndrome. In a nutshell, coronavirus leads to respiratory failure and multiple organ dysfunction resulting in the death of the patient. Prostate cancer patients are at high risk of developing coronavirus infection compared to healthy individuals. This is obvious because the immunity in prostate cancer individuals is low. Hence, you must avoid social contact and wear a double protective mask against infection.


We urge and remind you to postpone your treatment if it can wait until th


e pandemic situation gets better. Or you may take the teleconsultation with your oncologist to manage your cancer at home if it is at an early stage. But if it is not possible, then keep the strictest social distance, sanitize, and wear a double mask while you visit the hospital. 


This is the best thing you can do to ensure safety given the current scenario. Many good institutions with expert oncologists provide the best prostate cancer surgery in India. Stay safe!


Resource Article: Prostate Cancer: A Risk factor for COVID-19 in males?