
5 Ways to Boost cognitive power.

The best neurologist in South Delhi suggests that Mental abilities and cognition power play a vital role in determining one's day to day performance in activities. Some might believe that people differ in their memory and cognitive abilities by genetics or since their birth, but there is little evidence which supports this. Cognitive abilities can be sharpened by several factors, some of which are mentioned below:



1. Nutrition.

One of the key factors which determine the functioning of the brain and its activities is nutrition. Several types of research suggest that people who are in the habit of skipping meals or fasting or prefer highly packaged or processed foods over healthy and nutritious home-cooked meals tend to have weak memory and poor cognitive abilities. According to the best neurologist in South Delhi to boost cognitive power, one should keep in mind to have a healthy and wholesome nutritious breakfast at the start of the day and incorporate only those foodstuffs which have good nutritional value. Packaged or processed foods have high amounts of sodium which can mess up and interfere with the brain’s thinking and reasoning capabilities.



2. Exercising.

Exercising or performing any physical activities such as strength training, walking, meditation yoga or performing light exercises can improve the blood flow to the brain enhancing its cognitive abilities. Yoga and walking are scientifically proven as one of the best exercises to improve the memory and retention power of the brain.



3. Adequate sleep.

Besides, nutrition and exercising while taking adequate amounts of sleep are equally important to boost brain functioning. According to the best neurologist in South Delhi, a person on average should sleep for about 7 hours so that the brain gets sufficient rest to perform functions smoothly. Popular research also suggests that people who slept for less than 7 hours reported having weak memory or retention power and declining cognitive abilities. One can also stick to the routine of a short power nap during the daytime to enhance overall brain functioning. 


4. Memory boosting foods.

Yes, there exists such memory boosting foods which are scientifically proven to enhance the reasoning and thinking abilities of the brain to a significant extent. A few of these foods include nuts, seeds, blueberries, fish and dark chocolate. Popular research conducted on the animals suggests blueberries can prevent brain damage which occurs as a result of free radicals in the body. Blueberries also aid in curing dementia and Alzheimer's in patients.


5. Hobbies.

As per the leading test centre which offers neuro test near me, Hobbies are not only a great means of fun and recreation or a good source of entertainment but also help in boosting the cognitive power of the brain. Hobbies such as singing, dancing and painting are known to provide long-lasting and permanent effects in enhancing the memory and attention abilities of the brain. It works like a cyclic mechanism. Both singing and dancing involve the retention of notes and steps which sharpens memory and intellect. Besides, hobbies also help in scaling up the coordination of the brain with the physical movement of the body.