
Knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty, can help reduce pain and restore function in severely damaged knee joints. Cutting away diseased bone and cartilage from your thigh bone, shinbone, and kneecap and replacing it with an artificial joint (prosthesis) composed of metal alloys, high-grade resins, and polymers is the process. An orthopedic surgeon evaluates your knee's range of motion, stability, and strength to determine whether a knee replacement is suitable for you. X-rays aid in determining the degree of the damage. Your doctor can select from a number of knee replacement prostheses and surgical procedures.


Who might need a Knee Replacement?


Although it may appear to be stating the obvious, knee pain might imply trouble with your knee joint. Hip joint issues, on the other hand, can occasionally manifest as knee discomfort. So, if your discomfort persists, see your doctor to be carefully evaluated and to determine the real reason.

You may discover that simple method like heat packs and prescribed or over-the-counter medications can help you manage your pain. Remember that your ability to manage your knee pain in this manner should not prohibit you from seeing your doctor if your knee pain becomes chronic.


We typically dismiss stiffness as a natural aspect of aging. If your knee is profoundly uncomfortable and stiff, though, it might be a sign of knee joint injury. Discuss the impact that the stiffness and knee pain is having on your life with your doctor since this will be a significant red signal for the likelihood of surgery.


This is a fascinating one. It might be difficult to recognize and explain. You may notice that you are uncertain if your knee will support you when going up and down stairs, for example. This is a sign of instability and might lead to a fall.

Quality of Life and Loss of Function

When pain, stiffness, and instability in your knee joint start to interfere with your everyday activities, it's time to seek medical help. Knee replacement surgery may be able to help you reclaim your life, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most to you.


Knee replacement surgery is considered a significant procedure, and as such, the patient is anesthetized. To begin, the surgeon will make an incision over the front (midline) of the knee and remove damaged bone surfaces from the femur and tibia. Between these two bones, an artificial space is produced. This space, which was previously occupied by healthy cartilage, is now filled by a metal plate and a polymer insert known as a 'spacer'. These components are meant to mimic healthy joint mobility by recreating the joint surface and moving like natural joints. The kneecap's undersurface may also be cut and resurfaced.