
Yoga Poses To Get You Relief From Knee Pain


Knee pain is a very common problem that can develop in anyone. Every year, millions of people report knee pain to doctors. In fact, thousands of knee replacement surgeries occur every year. Sadly, the number is increasing year by year. There can be many reasons behind your knee pain. Knee pain can be developed because of many reasons like growing age, an injury, or an accident.


In fact, there are many home remedies that can help you get relief from knee pain. But, it can be serious too! Usually, people ignore knee pain and their carelessness worsens their situation. Certainly, not every knee pain is serious and needs medical assistance. However, if you are experiencing knee pain for too long then you should consult a knee specialist.


There are many knee specialists out there. Are you looking for the best knee specialist? AOSM is a well-known medical center in Delhi that provides treatment for knee pain and other sports injuries. Here, you will get treatment from the best knee surgeons in Delhi. So, if you are facing persistent knee pain then you should consult a knee surgeon. Besides, home remedies like cold compression and heat therapy, daily yoga can help you get relief from knee pain.


Let’s talk about some Yoga poses to get relief from knee pain:


Virasana (Hero Pose)


Well, this is a very basic pose that can help you get relief from knee pain. Practicing Virasana or Hero Pose every morning can help you strengthen your knee joints. It is a meditative pose. However, you don’t need to do this pose on an empty stomach. Virasana or Hero Pose helps you increases = blood circulation in your legs and stretch your knees and thighs. In fact, this pose helps you remove tiredness in your legs and improves your body posture too.


Malasana (Garland Pose)


This is a very effective pose that strengthens your knees, ankles, and thighs. This pose improves your digestive system and makes your legs strong. Well, Malasana is basically a deep squat.

You can practice this pose in the morning or evening but on an empty stomach. Just hold the position for 50 to 60 seconds and repeat.


Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)


Makarasana is a very popular and effective pose that stretches your leg muscles and helps you get relief from knee pain. This pose gives you calming and relaxing effect on your mind and your body. In fact, this also controls hypertension.

This pose is mostly practiced at the end of a Yoga session. Also, practice this too on an empty stomach.


Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)


This yoga pose boosts your stamina and stretches your legs, ankles, and knees. Utthita Parsvakonasana is basically a side angle stretch that helps you stretch your leg muscles.

You can practice this yoga pose on empty stomach or can do this after 4 to 6 house of your meal. This is a very effective yoga pose that can help you strengthen your knee joints.