Chicken is one of the most renowned healthy food in the world, Healthwise chicken is known as white meat and it considers healthier as compared to red meat like beef, mutton, pork
Healthy food needs nutrients which essential for a body to better perform every day up to its level best (optimal). And chicken is the best source of various nutrients and minerals.
Some Healthy Chicken Preparations Methods:
1 Grilled Chicken Recipe:
2 Baked Chicken Recipe:
3 Stir-Fried Chicken Recipe:
Benefits of Chicken on Health:
1) PROTEIN: Protein plays important role in muscle growth especially resistance( physical ) training as well it involves calcium metabolism which helps to optimize ( improve) bone health.
2) FATS: Chicken is a source of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Well, the good thing is that it has lower saturated fat and cholesterol as compared to red meat.
3) Rich on vitamins: Chicken is full of vitamins. it will give strengthen your immune system by providing B vitamins to your body. It improves the nervous system and provides you sustainable energy to live everyday life.
4) Weight Management and Heart Health: Chicken has a low saturated fate as compared to other meats like beef and pork. So keeps on eating your meal will keep your belly satisfied and save you from consuming carbs and overeating calories.
5) Better Mood: Chicken’s protein helps you to keep fuller longer. Because it contains the amino acid tryptophan which is basically linked to your serotonin level in your brain
6) Good for the stomach: The food we eat takes place in the last stage of our digestive system. Chicken nutrition like minerals, vitamins, proteins, and low saturated fat contributes healthy stomach.