Regardless of the type of project you are planning, the cost of a bathroom renovation is a major concern for many homeowners. It may be an ideal time to redo your master bathroom, install a new toilet, or even simply paint and replace the plumbing. However, there are many aspects of bathroom renovation that should be left to the professionals. Here are a few of the costs you can expect to incur. These are: renovation fees, painting, plumbing, and materials.
Remodeling a main bathroom
There are a number of factors that come into play when remodeling a main bathroom, including the cost of the elements. The average cost for a new toilet is around $300, while installing a new outlet may run you about $150 to $250. Water heater replacement may set you back as much as $811 or $1,566. But there are some other factors that come into play as well. These include the size of the bathroom, the type of fixtures, and the location of the fixtures.
Before starting a bathroom remodeling project, consider the cost of labor. According to Raf Howery, chief executive of home remodeling site Kukun, labor can make up to 40 percent of your overall budget. To minimize the cost of labor, stick to the original layout, don't move the plumbing, and look for products that don't require installation labor. Once you've determined your budget, you can begin to plan the remodel.
Cost of renovating a master bathroom
The cost of remodeling a master bathroom can run anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000, and it depends on several factors. The area you live in will influence the costs you encounter. Coastal areas, such as Sydney and Brisbane, will tend to charge more than the middle of the country. Los Angeles, for example, costs about $25,600 for the average bathroom remodel. A similar amount in Minnesota is about $12,000. However, there are some ways to save money on this project, such as shopping wisely and comparing costs.
First, you should consider the size of your bathroom. If you have a small bathroom, the price will be lower than in a larger bathroom. A three-foot by five-foot powder room will only cost around $1,500, while a nine-foot by ten-foot bathroom can cost about $13,500. In both cases, you'll have to decide where you can spend the most and where you can cut corners.
Cost of painting a bathroom
A bathroom painter will charge between $20 and $25 per gallon, depending on the paint used. The best paint for a bathroom is Glidden's HydroResist line, which doubles as a primer and sealer. This latex paint is low odor and offers a limited lifetime warranty. If you want a durable finish, consider using oil-based paint. You can save money by purchasing this type of paint yourself.
The cost of painting a bathroom countertop varies, but it is typically around $200 to $400. A bathroom countertop can be made from several different materials. It is typically a stylistic decision, and choosing a pastel porcelain countertop is not always the best choice. Painters also need to consider the condition of existing walls and ceilings. Once a bathroom has been stripped of its fixtures, it may be painted with enamel paint, which will add a few hundred dollars to the final cost.
Cost of plumbing
If you are planning to renovate your bathroom, you should consider the cost of plumbing. Adding a new sink can add hundreds of dollars to the price of the entire project. Most bathroom fixtures require three lines. If you plan to move the sink, the cost of moving the plumbing will be around $80 per line. Likewise, converting a bathtub to a shower will require a new water line. The total cost of plumbing for a new sink can be anywhere from $540 to $6100.
If you decide to do the renovation yourself, you can cut costs by reusing the plumbing. You can also save money by purchasing parts yourself. Professionals recommend that you pay a professional for a consultation, but you can save money by doing the project yourself. Some do-it-yourselfers recommend resurfacing or refinishing old fixtures. Others suggest choosing off-the-shelf fixtures instead of custom pieces. If you don't want to spend too much on plumbing, ripping out the old tiles and fixtures will lower the overall cost.
Cost of installing custom cabinetry
The vast majority of people install customized cabinetry in their kitchen. In addition, cabinetry can be installed in a variety of other areas of a home, such as a home office, lounge, or storeroom. The amount you pay for custom cabinetry depends on the size, style, material, and installation complexity. Some cabinets will come with overstock, and some won't. If you are installing new cabinetry around the washer and dryer, make sure you factor in the cost of the cabinetry itself.
The cost of installing new bathroom cabinets depends on the type and the quality of the cabinetry. Depending on the style, material, and finish, a single cabinet can cost as little as $30 or as much as $2,000. A good rule of thumb is to spend between $175 to $3000 per square foot for custom cabinetry. Below are some average prices for common cabinet types. To get a better idea of how much you can expect to pay, read the following sections and check with your contractor.