
The Sailfish the Master Hunter

As a witty angler it very essential to keep updated with in-depth data concerning the latest trends and developments in the world of fishing.

Being a user of the FISHSURFING fishing app, I am relishing every moment of it.

The fishing app has grown to become a worldwide social networking platform that allows sharing fishing experiences with other experienced anglers.

The platform can be used for finding current information about fishing events, shops, and guides

A vast amount of resources about fishing can be found there the application is the only fishing application with a translation feature allowing users to intercommunicate.



Download Today : (iOS, Android)


For android at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.fishsurfing.fishsurfing


For iOS at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fishsurfing/id1235154377



(1) Sailfish can easily be distinguished due to their unique dorsal fins situated on their backs.


(2) Sailfish measure up to 10 feet (ca. 3 m) long with a weight of 220 lbs.


(3) Sailfish are very popular within the Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific region.


(4) Sailfish’s body is streamlined which makes the fish swim faster.


(5) The Sailfish Prefers living within the tropical and temperate waters across the globe mostly in the Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

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(6) Sailfish are carnivorous they feed on small fish a, herring and mackerel.


(7) The Sailfish is a member of the marlin family, and they can reach speeds of up to 69 mph (111.04 kilometers per hour).


(8) Sailfish is a predatory fish and a very skilled hunter.


(9) Sailfish is a prized fish for sport fishing.


(10) Sailfish can live for more than 10 years.