
$600+ Offer =) Dell OptiPlex 755 MT PC Bulk Orders Offer For You =)
I received an 'interest free' option from PayPal today that is interesting:

"Make a purchase of $600+ on eBay.com
Check out using PayPal Credit
Get 0% APR with 24 Easy Payments"

I posted a permanent link to this idea here:

Note: there is a version of this page with 'imbedded' stuff (so displays images & video within the page with less 'clicking around') via this link:


Please send it far & wide out to anybody or whoever might be able to find more Dell Optiplex 755MT &/or Dell Optiplex 760MT PCs! =8^D

NOTE: If you do NOT currently have enough (or any) of these, I could pay you (or whoever) IN ADVANCE and you could just refund me later if you can't come up with any (at $25 grand total each) within a month, or refund just the difference.  On my end, 2 years (with no interest) would likely be enough time to scare up enough of the sometimes 'esoteric' upgrade bits I would need, so I may as well try to care up (from anywhere) a bunch of working Dell Optiplex 755MT (&/or 760MT) PCs.  My offer is $25 each (no extra shipping). It may seem low but as a 'single delivery' it's not so bad & maybe you come by the Pismo Beach area anyway on other trips. A lot of the ones I already have in my rental biz I get FREE just 4 picking them up from various companies who 'dump' old things to get newer things. Sometimes they don't want a record of it so they can get 'deperciation' on them without wasting the storage space, like getting checks & they don't even cash them LOL  Having a page to refer people to helps a lot for this:


If you can't find any for me, maybe you can get the word out? =)

You may find it interesting what I do with them... After getting the machines I upgrade them, so it all adds up! What I do is:

1) Clean out all dust & grime inside

2) Remove CPU cooler ('radiator') & clean it

3) Replace CPU with faster one

4) Replace CPU cooler ('radiator') with maximum size for this product line ( = cools better so fan runs slower so system is more quiet =)

5) Replace RAM with more (3GB+)

6) Replace hard drive with 2 units of Samsung HD204UI made between December 2010 & December 20, 2011. Any of that model made before do not have the data corruption fix firmware built in (& no way to confirm it accepts) & those made after might be (no way to be sure) 'rebranded' Seagate junk. The hard drive market is interesting. It seems Seagate & Western Digital conspired to take a loss on drive prices for a while to kill the competitors in the market, then re-route flood waters in Thailand through the industrial park rather than the farmlands which the government usually does, so they could claim 'scarcity' & jack prices about 400%. After buying up the folded competition they then rebrand their own unreliable garbage to 'blow out' the brand names so everybody is considered just as unreliable and 'roughly equivalent'. What a $cam =)) So yes, newer does not mean better. They are the most reliable drives I've ever used. The quest is over. Some Hitachi stuff isn't as bad as Seagate or WD, but only some models, & still a joke compared to the HD204UI (or similar = pre buyout & post firmware fix =)

7) Install Windows XP 'Performance Edition' (tweaked out) by 'restoring' pre-created partitions via 'DriveImageXML':

NOTE: For instance, the 'tweaked install' has a modified version of Dell's 'crippleware' sound driver that (in unmodified form) tries to disable recording 'streamed' stuff through 'sound mixer'

8) Add an Aardvark recording unit, like these:

9) Run system using 'autonomous torture test' software for a day or so to check for any 'stability issues'.

10) Pair the system with a monitor and tweak them together so the video looks really nice. It's AMAZING how much improvement can be had here ~ very 'window-like' with most. I don't buy them, but get them FREE or close to it, from regular to large 'big screen' sizes. For instance, I recently got a 40" Vizio flat fromCraigslist for $10 (ten dollars =) and a 37" left on the street by a local computer shop (works fine), etc... the small ones are more plentiful & I have lots in storage & pick the best ones & use them toward trades for nicer ones (bunch of 'junky' ones for some big ones, etc.)

NOTE: The total 'upgrade cost' per system is around $100 or so, & that doesn't include the video monitors.

Then I rent them out! =) The renters PRE-PAY the TOTAL value of the system, so even if they don't pay it doesn't matter. I just move on to the next! Of course, they don't realize their deposit can buy a system like that, so continue renting, like a 'money factory' =D The longer they have stuff, the more OTHER stuff I rent to them, like various fancy preamps and mics & other gear. Being in (((HollyWeird))) there surely this can B something U can do around your area 2? = FUN FUN! =D Maybe I can help U out???

My main business is flipping houses. I do this in part as a 'labor of love' to bring awesome 'high end' quality recording to people I want to help out, like 'DOOM metal' guys ~ who R typically very POOR.


Few of the bands make $ either. Mastadon is a 'doomy' style band you may have heard of (more pop I guess).

Maybe some day I should set up some 'Foundation$' 2 draw 'Donation$' 2 these 'Cau$e$' ~;-) Mainly really I'm into Turkish music. I would totally move there but the gals are prude witches & I don't speak the language, + I got a big mouth & they don't allow free speech about politics over there = BOO! =P

Umut Akyürek | Başka Söz Söylemem Albümü | 2007

Video thumb



Interesting sidenote: She has a severe overbite. Every1 has flaws ~ pretty or not. It may even enhance her look, like how it defines the cheeks in a sleek way. As 'Turkey Tunes' go I especially dig their 'Misket' & rootsy 'Classical' stuff.

Gönül Akkor - Mini fasil

Video thumb

So DRAMA! =8^D

Thankfully this 'Adnan Oktar' guy (among others) has been working on the 'prudeness' issue with his 'Muslim Creationist TV' stuff, but it's a long road...



Same chix do various shows, belly dancing, & whatever (all the while chatting about rocks that 'disprove evolution', among other nonsense =))


"Islam is progressive & modern" is the message...




Get yourself a muzzie & bang her in the kitchen! =))


In the same way that communism has nothing 2 do with atheism (just the elimination of resistance against robbery, & worship whatever), so 2 R there opposite examples, like Turkey is a 'Muslim' country, but it's just a prop, like a tool 2 wedge their influence in. Here is a 'Muslim creationist' TV network or something there, populated by 'cheesecake' LOL  More 'kittens' of the channel...





I'm Emo for Allah! =))



L8R! ~@~


From: (Mr. T.)
Subject: Re: Dell OptiPlex 755 MT PC Bulk Orders Offer For You =)

Hi, we weren't able to put an order together last summer. I saved your email for future offers. We have HP 8200 sff i5, 250gb, 2gb with a 22" HP LA 2206wg widescreen lcd and keyboard and mouse. Also have HP 8200 sff i3, same specs with a 17" HP lcd. All tested working, can add extra memory and Windows.

Please let me know if you have interest. I look forward to hearing from you.

(Mr. T.)


From (Sir Plexalot)
Subject: Dell OptiPlex 755 MT PC Bulk Orders Offer For You =)

Hello =)

Your previous offer was $25 each complete (functional with drive & RAM & stuff), shipped to California zip 93433 (near San Luis Obispo =) for 10 units to start = $250 total. I don't know the level of 'dust bunny infestation' or any other possible 'issues' to clean up or fix so this first batch is to check 'average performance'' more or less.

Some details below (if you are interested in some random tips =):

All of my 'DAW' (Digital Audio Workstation) rental machines are Dell OptiPlex 755 MT PCs. They combine a great sounding 'ADI' audio chipset and 'analog' section with floppy drive and OS 'virtualization' support as well as internal eSATA connector to 'trick' the (horrid) Phoenix style BIOS into multi-boot support. They are the only Dell model with this particular combination of IMHO quite useful features. I pair them often with 'audio I/O breakout boxes' like units from Aardvark, which are 'obsolete' but AWESOME, especially the 'Direct Pro 24/96' = fanciest 'studio quality' sound for dirt cheap:

Aardvark Support Group - Products


The Aardvark Direct Pro LX6 is a simplified 'line only' (no mic preamps) version of the direct pro 24/96. There are two pieces to the unit: The PCI audio interface card and the external breakout box.

I usually upgrade the CPUs to something like a E8500 or Q8400, and 3GB of RAM, & fancy 6 pipe radiator so stays quiet (but fast =) & flip the CPU fan so blows toward the front, which is quieter again since it is not pushing heat into the case that would otherwise cause the power supply fan to spin faster. Here are some radiator examples I recently got off Ebay for about $3 each in bulk (ad price shows different as it was a 'make offer' thing):

(couple old Fleabay ad examples were linked here)

As for hard drives my favorite are the Samsung 2 terabyte model HD204UI made between December 2010 & December 20, 2011. They are very fast (80MB per second transfer) and the most reliable 'big capacity' drive around. Any of that model made before the date listed do not have the data corruption fix firmware built in & those made after are often rebranded Seagates instead. Typically I've found other drives, especially 7,200 RPM or other 'fast spinning' types overheat & burn out the boards within a few years or less, or other reliability issues like Seagate's well-documented 'self-destructing platters' LOL =P Seagates are strange too as many of them have noisy random 'maintenance modes' that drive people nuts, seeking around while doing 'nothing'.

BTW: If you have any of these 'PS/2 Breakout panels' I will also buy those for $1 each if you want to include those, as many as you can get. Most people don't even notice if they are not present as they use USB stuff anyway. It was an 'option' from Dell (their 'official' price is rather absurd = more than just buying a USB keyboard!! =)):


Double BTW: I'm not sure what business you are in, but if interested I could send down a few of the PCs you send me after I mod them and you can see if you would like to rent them out. I could provide 'customer support' for a % of your rental fee$, etc. =) I'm a big XP expert! It's still quite popular with 'enthusiasts' & not just banks & stuff (still runs almost all ATM machines on the planet). I like it because it is actually much more flexible and fast than more recent operating systems. Hell, DOS is even faster still, just not 'user friendly' HAHA More bits & more RAM = SLOWER, not faster (more addressing overhead). Also I love to trim things down with utilities for maximum performance. Default is lots of useless junk running, but you only need about 5 things (saves CPU). It also increases security (oddly enough to have 'Windows Firewall' requires 'workstation' & other stuff running, which makes it a wash because that's a YUGE security hole ~ sounds like a sneaky move from Redmond there HAHA).



We have 10 plus pieces available. You tell me how you want them configured. Can be barebones, with 2gb and no hard drive or full with 2gb and 160gb, guaranteed to boot to DOS prompt. Need to know how you want them. What price are you looking for? Please use mar com intl at outlook. Com

(Mr. T.)