
Treatment in Rehabilitation Centre in Noida

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Reawakening1 @Reawakening1 · Mar 8, 2021


Treatment in Rehabilitation Centre in Noida (NashaMuktiKendra)

It has been scientifically proven that addiction is a disease and to add on has certified addiction as a disease. Therefore in order to cure addiction it becomes significant that proper treatment should be undertaken to completely cure. At starting generally everyone takes symptoms of addiction lightly without any seriousness, this attitude becomes major cause trouble then later on. Addiction of any substance is always harmful and injurious to health and the quantity of substance consumed is always increasing. To get rid of addiction victim or family member of the victim try many ways such as consulting doctors, religious rituals, and going on to consume products showing  in ads, and classified etc. in all of that the best try and tested option is admitting the patient into our rehab centre or nashamukti Kendra in Noida.

First of all, the major difference is of the goal of treatment which our rehab centres follows than many other ways. Rehabilitation centre works totally to completely recove the patient of both mind and body to achieve the sobriety of lifetime. In addition to that their program also helps patients in case of relapse. Treatment in rehabilitation centre or nashamukti Kendra in Noida works in step wise format.

  • First step – when a patient is admitted into rehab program, he/she have to go through few detoxification stages. In this stage all toxins present due to consumption of substance from body is removed slowly. This stage is significant because the bodily craving vanishes only after removal of toxins from body step by step. In this stage, the chances of withdrawal is maximum therefore the staff of has to pay extra attention and care for all those patients going through this stage.
  • Second step – after successfully going through this detoxification stage, the patient is brought under to do daily routines of the rehabilitation centre. This routine includes yoga, meditation, pleasant music, exercise, timely meals, indoor sports, meeting sessions, entertainment etc. These steps helps in maintaining energy level of the patients as well as it keeps them positive in their attitude. Positive attitude is very important aspect for one who is taking this treatment to become successful because many of addicts have negative mind set due to the time spent under the influence of addiction for years. The inclusiveness of the staff and other patients in the program plays an important role in keeping positivity in the minds of each patient.
  • Third step – after being completely comfortable in the daily routines of the centre or nashamukti Kendra in Noida they need to take psychiatric appointments by the centre to examine each patient. This is done to evaluate mental condition and signs of depression which is common in patients who is suffering from addiction. After all these examination, medicines are prescribed only if it is needed surely. Meanwhile the counsellor in our rehab centre takes general and personal sessions of the patients. In these sessions patients talk about their issues in order to resolve all problems causing that leads to addiction.
