
Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan Exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID 19 Coverup


Since the outbreak began, over 18 million people have contracted coronavirus. The global economy is facing the worst crisis since the Great Depression. And statistics say over 700,000 people have died.

But was all of this preventable?

Dr. Li Meng Yan says that in December 2019 she was told by her supervisor at the Hong Kong School of Public Health to investigate the mysterious virus that had emerged in Wuhan, China.

So what did she uncover? And what was the cost of speaking out?


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Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research
If you hear anyone claim “we know the virus didn’t come from a lab”, don’t buy it — it may well have. Labs around the globe have been creating synthetic viruses like CoV2 for years. And no, its genome would not necessarily contain hallmarks of human manipulation: modern genetic engineering tools permit cutting and pasting genomic fragments without leaving a trace. It can be done quickly, too: it took a Swiss team less than a month to create a synthetic clone of CoV2.


Sky News Australia (https://more.skynews.com.au/about-sky-news/)
SPECIAL REPORT: Evidence builds coronavirus came from a Chinese lab
The world is searching for the origins of the deadly coronavirus as global economies desperately try to survive the fallout of mass isolation. Hundreds and thousands of people have died but as the curve begins to flatten intelligence agencies and world leaders have started piecing together how the COVID-19 tragedy happened. US President Donald Trump is convinced the virus came from a lab in Wuhan and academics have suggested it may have escaped in a major blunder. Sky News Australia investigates the cover-up in the early days of the virus which led to a global pandemic and the role UN agencies played in the deception.
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NTD TV/ The Epoch Times
(https://www.ntd.com/about.html / https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-us)
The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus
As the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus—commonly known as the novel coronavirus. Join Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp as he explores the known facts surrounding the CCP virus and the global pandemic it caused. In his investigation, Philipp explores the scientific data, and interviews top scientists and national security experts. And while the mystery surrounding the virus's origin remains, much is learned about the CCP's cover-up that led to the pandemic and the threat it poses to the world.
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Sky News Australia (https://more.skynews.com.au/about-sky-news/)
Coronavirus may have been a 'cell-culture experiment' gone wrong
EXCLUSIVE: The coronavirus that has become a world-wide pandemic may have been created in a “cell-culture experiment” in a laboratory, according to prominent scientists who have conducted ground-breaking research into the origins of the virus. Flinders University Professor Nikolai Petrovsky has completed a scientific study, currently undergoing peer review, in conjunction with La Trobe University in Victoria, which found COVID-19 was uniquely adapted for transmission to humans, far more than any other animal, including bats. Professor Petrovsky, from the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University who has spent the past 20 years developing vaccines against pandemic influenza, Ebola and animal SARS, said this highly unusual finding left open the possibility that the virus leaked from a laboratory. “The two possibilities which I think are both still open is that it was a chance transmission of a virus from an as yet unidentified animal to human. The other possibility is that it was an accidental release of the virus from a laboratory,” he said. “Certainly we can’t exclude the possibility that this came from a laboratory experiment rather than from an animal. They are both open possibilities.”
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Fox news Hong Kong scientist claiming China 'covered up' coronavirus data speaks out Scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan says supervisors covered up her potentially life-saving coronavirus research. #FoxNews
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Smoky Mountains Station 7/30/2020 the Origin of Covid-19 (CCP Virus): It comes from PLA Lab (Dr. Limeng Yan)
Komentár Daga Daniša: Čo sa zamlčiava pri pandémii
Nebezpečné GOF experimenty
V roku 2014 skupina amerických vedcov varovala pred nebezpečenstvom „gain-of-function“ výskumov (GOF). V hrubom preklade GOF znamená takú genetickú (laboratórnu) modifikáciu vírusov, ktorá má masívne posilniť ich funkcie. Až do takej miery, akej by v prirodzenom, prírodnom stave nikdy neboli schopné.
Podľa magazínu Science sporné GOF výskumy boli v tom čase zamerané na vírusy vtáčej chrípky, MERS-koronavírusy a SARS-koronavírusy. „Gain-of-funkcion“ sa sústreďovala na umelé „vylepšenie“ (posilnenie) infekčného, resp. pandemického potenciálu vírusov. Robilo sa to pre účely skúmania pandémií a vývoja účinných sezónnych vakcín proti chrípkam.
Gain-of-Function Research: Background and Alternatives
The field of virology, and to some extent the broader field of microbiology, widely relies on studies that involve gain or loss of function. In order to understand the role of such studies in virology, Dr. Kanta Subbarao from the Laboratory of Infectious Disease at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave an overview of the current scientific and technical approaches to the research on pandemic strains of influenza and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses (CoV). As discussed in greater detail later in this chapter, many participants argued that the word choice of “gain-of-function” to describe the limited type of experiments covered by the U.S. deliberative process, particularly when coupled with a pause on even a smaller number of research projects, had generated concern that the policy would affect much broader areas of virology research.
Prima COOL
Řekla nám, že občas něco unikne z laboratoří! Ale tentokrát došlo k intergalaktickýmu průšvihu... Sledujete COOLtalks, novej pořad, kam zveme lidi, co maj rozhodně co říct. Dneska si s přední českou lékařkou a molekulární genetičkou doktorkou Soňou Pekovou pokecáme o zlým sousedu koronaviru.
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Sinopsis (https://sinopsis.cz)
Čínský příběh aneb co (ne)víme o vzniku pandemie Covid-19
Téměř tři měsíce po uzavření Wu-chanu, které ve skutečnosti prakticky znamenalo zastavení celé ČLR, čelí svět pandemii, jakou už přes sto let nezažil. Samotná Čína se přitom během dubna pomalu vrací k běžnému životu. Původní ohnisko nákazy, chupejská metropole Wu-chan, se na konci prvního dubnového týdne znovu otevřela a lidé se mohli vracet domů: ti, kteří zůstali epidemií ve městě uvěznění, i ti, kteří se do něj naopak dlouhé týdny nemohli vrátit.
Zatímco běžní obyvatelé Číny dělají všechno proto, aby se jejich životy obrátily zpět k normálu, čínská vláda a komunistická strana mají plné ruce práce, aby dostaly pod kontrolu veřejné mínění a ovlivnily dominantní narativy týkající se epidemie a jejího původu a šíření, a to doma i ve světě. Přísné kontrole a cenzuře tak nyní podléhají nejen média a sociální sítě, ale i vědecký výzkum a jeho výstupy.
CNN 16. dubna zveřejnila nyní již většinou smazané online výzvy vědeckým institucím v ČLR požadující, aby veškeré odborné studie, jež se týkají Covid-19, před publikací (včetně prestižních zahraničních vědeckých periodik) prošly cenzurním řízením a byly schváleny čínskými orgány.
aktuality.sk Číňania zháňali rúška a respirátory aj na Slovensku. Prebehli najmenej dve zbierky
Pomáhali mladí čínski podnikatelia
Druhú zásielku podľa dostupných informácií organizoval človek, ktorý pomáhal aj na Slovensku.
Volá sa Zhou Yanjun a je predsedom Únie mladých čínskych podnikateľov na Slovensku. Táto organizácia darovala Prešovu po výbuchu bytovky 25-tisíc eur. Zbierku organizovala aj počas vypuknutia epidémie v Číne.
China Uncensored/NTD TV (http://www.chinauncensored.tv/about/) The WHO Knowingly Lied About China
Secret audio recordings from internal meetings of the World Health Organization reveal that the WHO knew China was withholding data and the genome map of the coronavirus (CCP virus) in January at the same time Dr. Tedros and the WHO was praising the Chinese Communist Party for its transparency. Why did the lie? And with the Trump administration bearing down on the WHO threatening to remove funding, what will this mean for US China relations?
China Uncensored/NTD TV (http://www.chinauncensored.tv/about/)
China's BIG Coronavirus Testing Claim: News or propaganda?
Many Western media are reporting that Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus pandemic outbreak began, will be testing its entire 11 million population in just 10 days. But is that really going to happen? Or is this just propaganda?
China Uncensored/NTD TV (http://www.chinauncensored.tv/about/)
Hong Kong: China’s Newest Police State | Alan Leong
China is turning Hong Kong into a police state. With Hong Kong Chief Executive and the Hong Kong police out of control, on top of social distancing from the coronavirus pandemic, Hong Kong protesters are struggling to make a change. Joining me today to talk about the current situation in Hong Kong is a former member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Alan Leong.
China Uncensored/NTD TV (http://www.chinauncensored.tv/about/) China and the United Nations: A New World Order | Anders Corr
China has been gradually gaining control of the United Nations, to exert its influence on a new world order. Perhaps most transparent is how the Chinese Communist Party got the World Health Organization to shut out Taiwan and praise the CCP's response to the coronavirus pandemic that spread from Wuhan, China. But the Belt and Road, talks on climate change and global warming, and much more are part of China's Plan. Joining me today is Anders Corr. He's the Publisher of the Journal of Political Risk and principal at Corr Analytics.
Austrálsky premiér požaduje vyšetrenie vzniku pandémie koronavírusu
Snaha vyšetriť pôvod a rozšírenie koronavírusu SARS-CoV-2 však vyvolala ostrú kritiku zo strany Číny, ktorá obvinila austrálskych zákonodarcov z prijímania pokynov od USA.
The Epoch Times (https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-us)
Nanovědec z Harvardu obviněn, že zapřel peníze z Číny. Pracoval na utajovaném výzkumu. Dostane 5 let vězení
Bývalý vedoucí katedry chemie na Harvardské univerzitě byl 9. června obviněn z nepravdivých prohlášení o financování čínským režimem. Podrobnosti o případu oznámilo americké ministerstvo spravedlnosti.
The Epoch Times (https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-us)
Virus nepochází ze zvířecího trhu ve Wu-chanu. Přes 100 národů volá po vyšetřování
Vědecká práce uvádí, že možnost úniku nového koronaviru z laboratoře by neměla být odepsána. Důvody k tomuto závěru vysvětluje nová studie, kterou vytvořili vědci z Centra výzkumu zoologie a biologické rozmanitosti na University of British Columbia, Fusion Genomics Corporation a Stanleyovo centrum pro psychiatrický výzkum na Broad Institute MIT a Harvard.
China Uncensored/NTD TV (http://www.chinauncensored.tv/about/)
Coronavirus: 2.2 Million Infections in China?
A new study suggests that there may have been 2.2 million people infected with the coronavirus in Hubei Province, China, many times more than the official number. China's new GPS system is complete. And Justin Trudeau stands up to China over two imprisoned Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, who were arrested on charges of "spying" in retaliation for the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou.
China Uncensored/NTD TV (http://www.chinauncensored.tv/about/)
Study: Coronavirus May Have Begun in August
A new study from Harvard used satellite images to suggest the coronavirus actually began in August. Chinese fighter jets enter Taiwan airspace. China has created a Twitter army. Hong Kong protesters protest and Hong Kong police tear gas. Tensions on the border with India. China exported defective N95 face masks. And Zoom decides that a Tiananmen Square Massacre igil is too controversial. That and more on this week's China news headlines.
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Sky News Australia (https://more.skynews.com.au/about-sky-news/)
Coronavirus may have been created in a Wuhan lab ‘genetic engineering’ experiment
A growing number of scientists are raising the possibility COVID-19 was created in a laboratory, saying the option cannot be ruled out. Leading immunologists and geneticists say that there are two unusual things about COVID-19 that open the door to it being man-made rather than a naturally-occurring virus. The first is that the virus binds to human ACE2 receptor cells more strongly than it does to any other animal, including bats. The second unusual thing about the virus that causes COVID-19 is that it has what’s called a “furin cleavage site” that its closest genetic bat-coronavirus relative, RaTG-13, does not have. This site makes it significantly more infectious. Israeli geneticist, Dr Ronen Shemesh, who is working on treatment for COVID-19, said in his opinion the virus was more likely created in a laboratory than evolved in nature. “There are many reasons to believe that the COVID-19 generating SARS-CoV-2 was generated in a lab. Most probably by methods of genetic engineering,” he told Sky News. “I believe that this is the only way an insertion like the FURIN protease cleavage site could have been introduced directly at the right place and become effective.” Dr Shemesh points to the insertion of a Furin site as the most unusual aspect of COVID-19.
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Sky News Australia (https://more.skynews.com.au/about-sky-news/)
Chinese lab experimented on 'highly pathogenic viruses' days before COVID-19 outbreak
HE Wuhan Institute of Virology was given permission to engage in experimental research involving highly-pathogenic viruses just 10 days before the first recorded case of COVID-19. A Sky News special investigation can reveal the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s level 3 laboratory, where Shi Zhengli is director, had just been given permission by the Chinese Government to conduct even risker experiments on November 7, 2019. This was 10 days before the South China Morning Post cites the first recorded case of COVID-19 on November 17, and weeks before the outbreak of the pandemic. The new level of research is confirmed in three documents, including a statement from the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which states: “Wuhan National Biosafety (Level 3) laboratory was officially qualified for experimental activities, and has the ability and conditions to carry out experimental activities of highly pathogenic microorganisms” A separate document from the Chinese Academy of Sciences states: “On November 7, 2019, the National Health Commission formally approved the Wuhan National Institute of Biological Safety (Level 3) Laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences to engage in experimental activities of highly pathogenic pathogenic microorganisms.
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SME - Peking mohol vírus poraziť v zárodku. Radšej ho tajil a dnes na ňom zarába
PEKING, BRATISLAVA. Začiatkom februára nový koronavírus ešte nemal meno. Mnohí mu preto dočasne prisúdili prívlastok "čínsky", keďže práve z Číny sa rozšíril do celého sveta.
Vedci aj Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia (WHO) varovali, že takéto označenie je nebezpečné a škodlivé. Nevdojak totiž naznačuje, že vinu za vznik a šírenie nákazy nesie čínsky národ. Od 11. februára má preto vírus presné pomenovanie: SARS-CoV-2. Chorobu, ktorú spôsobuje, vedci pomenovali Covid-19.
Netvrdím, že ide o cielene skonštruovanú, umelú biologickú entitu ani, že je to biologická zbraň. Vo svojej pôvodnej forme môže skutočne pochádzať z netopierov. Niesom ani proti očkovaniu.
V globalizovanej spoločnosti jej infiltratívny vplyv Čínskej Komunistickej Strany presahuje hranice štátov. Komunistický režim pohŕda akýmikoľvek morálnymi či etickými princípmi, nie len vo výskumnej oblasti, a ľudskosťou. Taktiež aj všetkými medzinárodnými zmluvami, od kedy bola Čína prijatá do Svetovej obchodnej organizácie. Chcel by som tiež zdôrazniť, že bežný Číňania sú rovnako obeťou tejto situácie.
Užitočná v tomto smere môže byť publikácia 9 komentárov ku komunistickej strane, ktorá je zdarma na stiahnutie v podobe .pdf súboru.
Kniha 9 komentárov ku komunistickej strane ponúka čitateľovi pohľad na necenzurovanú históriu Čínskej komunistickej strany. Vďaka svojmu pravdivému vykresleniu brutality a podvodov komunistickej strany si 9 komentárov okamžite získalo pozornosť ľudí. Mnohí z nich začali spontánne vystupovať z Čínskej komunistickej strany a stali sa tak masívnou silou pokojnej transformácie v Číne.
V knižnej podobe sa dá kúpiť napr. v kníhkupectve Martinus
NTD TV / The Epoch Times
(https://www.ntd.com/about.html / https://www.theepochtimes.com/about-us)
Metoda Komunistické strany Číny
Dokumentární film „Metoda KS Číny: Globální agenda čínské komunistické strany“ poskytuje vhled na modus operandi Komunistické strany Číny (KS Číny) a jejích ničivých následků na Čínu, Hongkong a další kouty světa. Po desetiletí zdokonalovala KS Číny způsoby ovládání čínského národa a mystifikace světa. Následkem jejího tutlání šíření viru KS Číny, který propukl v globální pandemii, však pocítili bolestivé následky lidé napříč zeměkoulí. Několik měsíců před epidemií viru jsme mohli pozorovat třífázovou metodu KS Číny – oklamat, infiltrovat a ovládnout – v Hongkongu, kde desítky tisíc protestujících usilovaly o ochranu svých základních práv. Je nesmírně důležité, aby svět pochopil agendu režimu, jeho taktiky a jak se s nimi vypořádat. Jinak riskujeme, že budeme konfrontováni s bezprostředním nebezpečím, které představuje. KS Číny útočí na životně důležité orgány svobodného světa jako politické ztělesnění smrtícího koronaviru – ať už jde o její vojenské ambice či infiltraci a nátlak na OSN a její organizace, mezinárodní obchod, univerzity, zpravodajská média, filmová studia a vlády, nebo snahy umlčet organizace a jednotlivce, kteří se opováží ji kritizovat. Petici za odsouzení KS Číny, která se na objevila na konci dokumentu, můžete podepsat i vy: https://ccpvirustruth.com/
China in Focus - NTD TV (https://www.ntd.com/about.html) Full movie: ‘Claws of the Red Dragon’ exposes connection between Huawei and CCP
Due to copyright restriction, the film is geo-blocked in Canada. Canadian viewers can watch the full movie here: https://clawsofthereddragon.com -------- Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s new film “Claws of the Red Dragon” will be screened at 9 p.m. ET on April 5 on China in Focus. Released by New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD) and starring Dorren Lee, Taras Lavren, and Eric Peterson, the 54-minute film seeks to shed light on the connection between #HuaweiTechnologies—the world’s largest maker of telecommunications gear—and China’s ruling Communist Party. Bannon said the film is for helping average citizens to understand how the Chinese regime uses Huawei and the Belt and Road Initiative to expand its power through dominating the infrastructure of other countries. “This is not going to be a Cold War. This is going to be much more… you have information war, you have economic war, you have connected war,” Bannon said after a private screening of the film in Manhattan on Oct. 17, 2019. He said Huawei is a key player in China’s plan. #China #ccp --------- Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2vhu9Ej Contact us or make a donation via PayPal: chinainfocus@ntdtv.org Support us: https://www.ntd.com/support-us.html Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaInFocusNTD Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NTDChinainFocus Website: https://www.ntd.com/china-in-focus
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