
"There are some people here who are good at archery"

It's the stuff of dreams.

Joo Jae-hoon (31, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power), a member of the men's archery compound team, has risen to stardom.

He has a great story behind him.

Right Or Left Hand Bow? Archery Hand And Eye Dominance Guide – Backyard  Sidekick

Joo won a silver medal with So Chae-won (Hyundai Mobis) in the compound mixed team event on April 4 and a second silver in the men's team event on April 5.

His Cinderella story, titled "Medalist from the same club," is selling like hotcakes. 온라인카지노 

Unlike So Chae-won, his affiliation listed above is not the archery unemployment team.

It's the name of his employer. He is a police officer working for Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power in Uljin, Gyeongbuk. Obviously, he's not a professional athlete with an elite program, nor does he earn money by shooting a bow.

Like most people, he is an ordinary worker in this era who receives a salary from a company to support his family.

In life, we often encounter '□□ hobbyists' around us. The reporter is also a 'baseball enthusiast' who enjoys playing baseball on his days off. Joo Jae-hoon was one of them.

He is now the proud 'No. 2 in Asia'. As he says, "I can't leave the club tournament anymore even if I want to," and he has become a real 'player'.

Unlike recurve, which relies solely on the athlete's strength to keep the bow taut and shoot the arrow, compound relies on a pulley system. It's relatively easy to maneuver and highly accurate. This is why many beginners start with compounds.

That doesn't diminish the value of Joo's accomplishments. He swept through recreational tournaments with an awl popping out of his pocket, only to fall short at the professional level. The Taegeuk mark was the culmination of four or five years of trying to make the national team. He spent the last two to three hours after work shooting bows and watching YouTube to study. "Cinderella" is not just anybody.

He stood in front of dozens of smartphones in the mix zone, many of which he had never seen before, and sent several messages with a shaky voice. Among them, his heartfelt message to his fellow 'hobbyists' struck me the most.

"With a little passion and effort, you can find your aptitude. Once you find it, you can be as good as a professional athlete with consistent effort. They have the ability to keep up with international players in these international competitions."

When it comes to sports that are underdeveloped and have an uncertain future, no one wants to take the plunge. In fact, no parents do. I don't think this is unique to sports. We all have our own special talents. They say that even a slug can roll, but many people miss the opportunity to discover their talents. Watching Joo Jae-hoon, I realized that again.

He said. "The moment I picked up the bow, I knew it was my path. I'm sure there are people here (Mixzone) who are good at archery. If you don't start, there's no result. The beginning is really half the battle." I'm sure he didn't mean to tell the reporter to fold up his laptop and shoot a bow. I'm trying to figure out what to grab instead. I feel like I have one more thing to do back home.