
Make a Deeper Connection With God Through Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation is the process of making a deeper connection with God that brings true freedom and fullness. During the procedure, people strive to become more Christ-like, for which they learn and practice spiritual disciplines, like they start meditating on scripture, practicing silence and solitude, and catching up with the impetus of the Holy Spirit. To deepen one’s love for God, many Centers for Spiritual Formation are present all around the world. God has provided us with a unique personality. Spiritual Formation is about finding yourself to live out one’s calling.


Spiritual discipline is all about living a life that involves characteristics such as self-examination, self-reflection, and contemplation, such as devotion and holy reading, to help improve one’s connection with god. One can also attend Jesus and Justice Conference: It’s a go-to conference where Christ-followers from around the world gather to take a stand for justice. Christ’s followers have a deeper desire for justice for every god’s creation. They believe that why just white people get all the privileges in life.


Bishop Todd Hunter’s The Center for Formation, Justice, and Peace is a platform for people who are looking to transform their souls into Christlikeness and emphasize spiritual practices and formation. The center also said about Marxism and Socialism. They believe full devotion should be to Jesus, not Marx, not Socialism, and also justice and peace come from the inside out. This interdenominational community seeks to create a Christ-like character who can work as an agent to help millions of people who are experiencing their daily lives as harsh and oppressive. They don’t align themselves with a political party or ideology; instead, they are guided by the person and work of Jesus. If you want to learn more about this community, Visit us!