
Best Data Science Programming Languages

Data Science:
Data Science is a field of study that combines programming skills, math knowledge, and statistics to obtain meaningful insights from data in various forms, both structured and unstructured data related to data mining and to recognize new markets. It conducts research and analysis of data that helps companies to improve their business by predicting growth and trends in a large number of data. If you are looking for a Data Science Online Course with professional certification, then SkillsIon is the perfect place to learn data science courses.

Python is a dynamic, general-purpose programming language commonly used by a community of data scientists. Python has become the leading programming language for open-source data science. Demand for Python skills is on the rise, with the advancement of technologies such as machine learning, artificial language, and predictive analysis.


R :
R is especially used for statistical analysis. And it's the most common programming language and software environment for statistical and graphical computing. R is capable of handling complex linear algebra.


Java is a very popular, general-purpose language that runs on the java virtual machines. Most multinational companies use this language to build backend and desktop structures, web applications, and so on. Particularly DevOps Engineer, Software Engineer, and architects were in high demand for Java skills.

Also, SQL is among the most popular in the field of data science. It is well used for querying and editing the data stored in a relational database. Having SQL knowledge is the biggest strength for Data Science and Machine learning professionals.

Julia was developed to meet both the numerical and computational needs and is therefore suitable for data scientists. Julia has been an excellent choice for handling large projects with high volume data sets, due to its faster execution.

SAS is the most common Data Science programming language. With an easy-to-use GUI, it has a broad range of statistical functions that help data scientists understand quickly.

Scala  is a Java programming language extension operating on JVM. It is a programming language with general-purpose features of an object-oriented technology as well as that of a functional programming language. This makes Scala an ideal programming language for handling large quantities of data.

MATLAB is a numerical computing language used throughout the Academy & Data Science industry.

Data Science is now becoming the fastest-growing and most demanding technology in today's world. Data science plays a vital role in all sectors such as automotive, telecommunication, healthcare and e-commerce, etc. There is a great opportunity for every software professional to enter the Data Science field with the support of the Best Online Data Science Courses.


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