
URGENT Request for Ralph Norman’s Open Letter Regarding MMTLP

Dear (Rep. Name or Staffer)

I hope this letter finds you well. As a concerned constituent, I am writing to you today to seek your support for Representative Ralph Norman's recent Congressional Open Letter addressing the MMTLP situation. This matter pertains to the unprecedented U3 halt of MMTLP on December 9, 2022, by FINRA, negatively impacting 80,000 to 100,000 families, including active military, veterans, disabled veterans, and seniors.

The gravity of the situation has raised substantial concerns about market fairness. Representative Norman's open letter is a crucial effort to obtain vital information and transparency from FINRA CEO Robert Cook and SEC Chairman Gary Gensler. Unfortunately, Congress has been met with silence from both entities despite dozens of written requests.

Bipartisan and bicameral support for Representative Norman's open letter is imperative. Your constituents are hopeful that your signature on this letter will send a forceful message to both the SEC and FINRA. Congress cannot be ignored, and the issues at hand are of utmost importance and urgency.

It is perplexing that these agencies have stonewalled Congress for almost a year. If there is nothing to hide, then why the resistance to providing answers? Your support will not only empower Representative Norman's efforts but also serve as a collective voice for all constituents who have been adversely affected and are seeking accountability from the agencies designed to protect us.

The deadline for congressional signatures on the open letter is swiftly approaching on December 20, 2023. I urge you to sign Representative Norman's open letter promptly. You can access the letter through the "E Dear Colleague Letter" system or reach out to Darcy in Representative Ralph Norman's office for assistance.

Your stand on this matter will make a significant difference for the constituents who have been held hostage by the lack of transparency over the past year. I appreciate your attention to this urgent matter and thank you in advance for your support.


(Your full name) 

(phone number)